GChildren Bmibehave
EmiThat's what they Csay when we're toDgether
GAnd watch how you Bmiplay
EmiThey don't Cunderstand and Dso we're
BmiRunning just as fast as we Gcan
BmiHolding on to one another's Ghand
FTryin' to get away into the night
And then you Dput your arms around me as we tumble to the ground
And then you say:
®: GI think we're alDone now
There Cdoesn't seem to be anyDone arGound
I think we're alDone now
The Cbeating of our hearts is the Donly Gsound
GLook at the Bmiway
EmiWe gotta Chide what we're Ddoin'
G'Cause what would they Bmisay
EmiIf they ever Cknew and Dso we're
BmiRunning just as fast as we Gcan
BmiHolding on to one another's Ghand
FTryin' to get away into the night
And then you Dput your arms around me as we tumble to the ground
And then you say: