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Brian Eno: Zemřela britská zpěvačka a herečka Marianne Faithfullová. Bylo jí 78 - Ve věku 78 let dnes zemřela legendární britská zpěvačka a herečka Marianne Faithf... - idnes.cz | 

Body Count: David Gilmour a Roger Waters se po letech shodli. Stačila k tomu předělávka hitu Pink Floyd raperem Ice-T a Body Count - Když raper Ice-T požádal vydavatelství zastupující Pink Floyd, zda by s metalovou ... - IREPORT | 

Adamo: Čerství osemdesiatnici, ktorí stále dobýjajú hudobný svet - V práve uplynulom roku 2023 dovŕšili osemdesiatku viaceré osobnosti svetovej, českej... - zoznam.sk | 

Dark: RECENZE: Mnoho řečí, málo muziky. Navzdory doslovnosti ale 'The Dark Side Of The Moon Redux' Rogera Waterse za poslech stojí - Zpráva o tom, že se Roger Waters rozhodl předělat ikonickou desku "Dark Side Of The M... - musicserver.cz | 

Joe Bonamassa: Nová alba: Roger Waters, Jelen, Škwor, Katarzia, Joe Bonamassa a další - Jedno z nejočekávanějších alb letošního roku je venku. Bývalý člen skupiny Pin... - novinky.cz | 

Dark: Roger Waters vydal „svou“ verzi alba The Dark Side Of The Moon od Pink Floyd - Roger Waters, někdejší tvůrčí duše kapely Pink Floyd, představil světu přepraco... - idnes.cz | 

Dark: Ako by znel ikonický album Dark Side of the Moon dnes? Roger Waters ho nahral nanovo - Existujú albumy, ktorým plynúci čas pristane. Obsahujú piesne, ktoré sú nestarnúc... - bleskovky.sk | 

Pink Floyd: Vychází reinterpretovaná verze slavného alba Pink Floyd. Přepracoval ji Roger Waters - Britský hudebník Roger Waters patří k těm umělcům, kteří svými kroky i postoj... - novinky.cz | 

Dark: Ako by znel ikonický album Dark Side on The Moon dnes? Roger Waters ho nahral nanovo - Existujú albumy, ktorým plynúci čas pristane. Obsahujú piesne, ktoré sú nestarnúc... - zoznam.sk | 

Pink Floyd: AUDIO: Roger Waters v nové verzi 'Time' poněkud cohenovatí - S blížícím se vydáním přepracované (a notné kontroverze vzbuzující) úpravy "D... - musicserver.cz | 

Roger Waters - Watching Tv Roger Waters - Watching Tv | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: Waters *** Autor hudby: Waters |
We were watching TGV, Watching TEmi7V
We were watching TGV, Watching TEmi7V
Cadd9, A7
Cadd9, A7
Cadd9, C/B, A7, D
In Tiananmen SquaGre, Lost my baby tEmi7here
My yellow rGose, In her bloodstained clEmi7othes
She was a Cadd9short order pA7astry chef
In a Cadd9Dim Sum dive on the YangtA7ze tideway
She had Cadd9, G/Bshiny hair
She was theA7 daughter of an engineerD
Won't you shed a Gtear, For my yellow rEmi7ose
My yellow roGse, In her bloodstained Emi7clothes
She had Cadd9perfect breasts, She had A7high hopes
She had Cadd9almond eyes, She had A7yellow thighs
She was a CstudentC/B of phA7ilosophyD
Won't you grieve with Gme, G/F#for my yEmi7ellow rose,
Shed a tear,G, G/F#, Emi7 For her bloodstained clDothes
She had Gshiny haiG/F#r, She had Emi7perfect breasts
She hadCadd9 high hopes,C/B She hadA7 almond eyesD
She had Gyellow thighG/F#s
She was the Emi7daughter of an engineerD
So get out your Gpistols, Get out your stoneCs
Get out your knGives, Cut them to the boCne
They are the Glackeys oG/F#f the groceEmi7r's machine
They built the Gdark satanic millsC
That manuGfacture hell on earthC
They bought the Gfront rowG/F# seats on CaEmi7lvary
They are Cirrelevant to me D
**D **Ddim5
And I grieve for my sister
People of China
Do not forget do not forget
The children who died for you
Long live the Republic
Did we do anything after this
I've a feeling we did
We were watching TGV, Watching TEmi7V
We were watching TGV, Watching TEmi7V
She wore a Cadd9white bandanna that said 'FA7reedom now'
She thought theCadd9 Great Wall of China
Would coA7me tumbling down
GShe was a studenG/F#t
Her fEmi7ather was an enginDeer
Won't you shed a tGear, For my yellow rEmi7ose
My yellow roGse, In her bloodstained clEmi7othes
Her Cadd9grandpa fought old CA7hiang Kai-shek
ThatCadd9 no-good low-down diA7rty rat
Who Cused to order his C/Btroops
To fA7ire on the women and Dchildren
Imagine that imagine that
AnGd in the spring of '4Emi78
MaGo Tse-tung got quite iraEmi7te
AnGd he kicked thatG/F# old dictatorEmi7 Chiang
Out of the Dstate of China
ChGiang Kai-shek came down in FEmi7ormosa
GAnd they armed the island of QA7uemoy
And the Gshells were flying across the China Sea
And they Emi7turned Formosa into a Cshoe factoryC/B calledA7 TaiwaDn
And she is Gdifferent from Cro-MCadd9agnon man
She's Gdifferent from ACadd9nne Boleyn
She is Gdifferent G/F#from the RosEmi7enbergs
And fDrom the unknown Jew
GShe is different from theCadd9 unknown NicaraGguan
Cadd9Half superstar Ghalf victim G/F#
She's a Emi7victor star coCadd9nceptually newD
GAnd she is different from the Cadd9Dodo
GAnd from the KankanboCadd9no
GShe is different G/F#from the AztEmi7ec
And fDrom the Cherokee
ShGe's everybody's Cadd9sister
SGhe's symbolic of our faiCadd9lure
She'sG the one inG/F# fifty millEmi7ion
Who can Cadd9help us to be free D
Because she died on TVG
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