Regina Spektor - Samson Regina Spektor - Samson | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
B You areC#m my sweB/D#etest downEsus2fall
E I loF#sus2ved you first,G#m I lof#ved you firstE
Beneath the sheBets of paC#mper liesB/D# my truthE
I f#have to G#mgo, I haf#ve to goE
Your hair was lonEsus2/Bg, when we first metE/B
f#SamG#mson went bBack to bed
BNot much hair left Eon his head
He af#te a slG#mice of woBnder bread and went riBght back to f#bed
And hisf#tory bG#mooks forBgot about us and the bible didn't menEtion us
And the biBble A/F#didn't menG#mtion us, not even oEnce
BYou are C#mmy B/D#est downfaEsus2ll
E I lF#sus2oved you first, G#mI loved yf#ou firstE
Beneath the stBars came fC#mallin' B/D#on our headsE
E But thf#ey're just old G#mlight, thef#y're just old lEight
Your hair was loEsus2/Bng when we first metE/B
Sf#amG#mson came to Bmy bed
BTold me that my haEir was red
f#Told meG#m I was beBautiful and came into my f#bed
Oh I f#cut his hG#mair myBself one night
A paBir of dull scissors in the yelElow light
And he Etold me that I'd Bdone alright
and kisBsed me f#/A#'til the morG#mf#/A#nin' light, the morEnin' light
and he kisBsed me f#/A#'til the mG#mornin' light
B f#/A# G#m
Sf#amG#mson went baBck to bed
Bnot much hair left Eon his head
Af#te a slG#mice of woBnderbread and went right back to bf#ed
Oh, we cof#uldn't brG#ming the colBumns down
Yeah we couldn't deBstroy a siEngle one
And hiEstory books forgot about Bus
And the biBble df#/A#idn't menG#mtion us, not even onEce....
B You aC#mre my sweB/D#etest dowEsus2nfallE
I F#sus2loved youf# firG#mst
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