Joan Osborne - Man In The Long Black Coat Joan Osborne - Man In The Long Black Coat | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
GmCrickets are Bbchirpin' the Cwater is Dhigh
There's a Gmsoft cotton Bbdress on the Fline hangin' Gmdry
GmWindow's wide Bbopen CAfrican Dtrees
GmBent over Bbbackwards in a Fhurricane Gmbreeze
FNot a word, a goodbye, not even a note
She's Gmgone with the Bbman in the Flong black Gmcoat
GmSomebody Bbseem him Changin' Daround
At the Gmold dance Bbhall on the Foutskirts of Gmtown
He looked iGmnto her Bbeyes when she Cstopped him to Dask
If he Gmwanted to Bbdance he had a Fface like a Gmmask
FSomebody said, from the Bible he quote
There was Gmdust on the Bbman in the Flong black Gmcoat
GmPreacher was Bbtalkin' there's a Csermon he Dgave
He said Gmevery man's Bbconscience is Fvile and deGmpraved
You Gmcannot depBbend on it Cto be your Dguide
When it's Gmyou who Bbmust keep it FsatisGmfied
FIt ain't easy to swallow, it sticks in the throat
She give her Gmheart to the Bbman in the Flong black Gmcoat
One, two...
D#mThere are no mistakes in life Bbsome people say
G5, F, G5It's true sometimes you can see it that way
D#mPeople don't live or die, Bbpeople just float
She give her Gmheart to the Bbman in the Flong black Gmcoat
There's Gmsmoke on the Bbwater, it's Cbeen there since DJune
GmTree trunks upBbrooted in the Fhigh crescent Gmmoon
Hear the Gmpulse and vibBbrations and the Crumblin' Dforce
GmSomebody's Bbout there beating Fon a dead Gmhorse
FShe never said nothin', there was nothin' she wrote
She's Gmgone with the Bbman in the Flong black Gmcoat
She's Gmgone with the Bbman in the Flong black Gmcoat
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