

Genesis - Please Don´t Ask Genesis - Please Don´t Ask | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
G4/7 Gm7 G7/9 Gm7 Am7
Oh, G4/7please don't Gm7ask me G7/9how I Gm7feel, I feel Am7fine
Oh, I G4/7cry a Gm7bit, I don't sG7/9leep too Gm7good, but I'm Am7fine
Eb6 When can Eb6/C#I see you? Ab7+ When can Eb6I touch you?
G4/7Again and aGm7gain I G7/9ask myGm7self was I wAm7rong?
Oh, but G4/7time's a Gm7healer and G7/9heaven Gm7knows I've been sAm7trong
Eb6 Maybe we Eb6/C#could try,Ab7+ oh, maybe we would Eb6work this time
Fm7Oh, I can reCm7member when it was C#7+easy to say I Eblove you
Fm7But things have Cm7changed since then, now I C#7+really can't say if I sEbtill do Ab
But I can try, 'cause I Gm7know that the kids are Dm7well
Yes, you're a Gm7mother to the Dm7world
Fm7 Cm7 F°/C# C# C#7+ C# C#7+ C#Oh, but I miss my boy, I hope he's good as gold
G4/7But enough of Gm7me, tell G7/9me how are Gm7you? You look Am7good
G4/7Well, you've lost some Gm7weight I can see,G7/9 your hair looks Gm7nice, you look Am7good
Eb6 Maybe we sEb6/C#hould try,Ab7+ don't say it 'cause I know Eb6why
Fm7But you know I can reCm7member when it was C#7+easy to say I Eblove you
Fm7But things have Cm7changed since then, now I C#7+really can't say if I sEbtill do Ab
But I can try, 'cause I Gm7know that the kids are Dm7well
Yes, you're a Gm7mother to the woDm7rld
Fm7 Cm7 F°/C# C# C#7+ C# C#7+ C#Oh, but I miss my boy, I hope he's good as gold
( F°/C# C# C#7+ C# Ab )
G4/7 3x353x
Gm7 3x333x
G7/9 3x323x
Am7 5x555x
Eb6 x6554x
Eb6/C# x4554x
Ab7+ 4x554x
Fm7 131111
Cm7 x35343
C#7+ x46564
Eb x65343
Ab 466544
Dm7 x57565
F°/C# x4314x (I really don't know the name of this one)
C# x46664
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