Even the F#migood stars can fall from grace and Dfalter
Lose their faith and F#mislide
But I can't get an Docean that's deep enough
for Amy Hmiday
It's the C#mifirst of the ascenDsion
It's a Asad Hmiway we've C#miflown before the Dstorm
And her Alast Hmiwords were 'I'm C#mialways thinking of Dyou'
In my AgoHmilden C#midays I Dwas a F#mislave
Well now it's F#mitime for to sound your voice
And Dcapture what your after
F#miMy ship was sold right up the Driver
But I'm not going
Adown Hmihere
This C#mijourney isn't oDver
It's a Along Hmiway to the C#mihouse of FitzcarDraldo
And her Alast Hmiwords were 'I'm C#mialways thinking of Dyou'
In my AgoHmilden C#midays I Dwas a F#misaint
Even the Agood Hmistars can C#mifall from grace and falDter
Like lapdogs that stride that mystery
And her Alast Hmiwords were 'I'll C#misee you down in histoDry
It's the AoHminly C#miway that Dwe can F#migo I shall eclipse you