Tom Waits - Whistle Down The Wind Tom Waits - Whistle Down The Wind | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
DI grew up hAere now aDll of my lGife
But I dDreamed someAday I'd DgoG/D
Where the blue-eyed gA, Dirls and rDed guitGars and
The nDaked rAivers fDlowG/D
GI'm not all I thought I'd be
I alBmways stayed aDround
I've bGeen as far as Mercy and Grand
FrBmozen to the grAound
DI can't stAay here and DI'm scared to lGeave
Just kDiss me onAce and thDenA
I'll Dgo to hAell, I mDight as wGell
Be whDistlin' dAown the wDindG/D
The bGus is at the cDorner
The clGock on the wDall
BrGoken down windBmmill
There's no wind at Aall
I'Gve yelled and I cDursed
If I stGay here I'll rDust
I'm stGuck like a shipBmwreck
Out here in the dAust
The sD, Aky is rAed and the wDorld's on fGire
And the cDorn is tAaller than Dme
The dDog is tAied to a Dwagon of rGain
And the rDoad is as wAet as the sDeaG/D
And sGometimes the music from a dance
Will cBmarry across the plDains
And the plG, Aaces that I'm dreaming of
Do they dBmream only of me?
There are plDaces whAere they nDever slGeep
And the cDircus nAever DendsG
So DI will tAake the MDarleybone cGoach
And be Dwhistling dAown the wDindG/D
so DI will tAake the MDarleybone cGoach
DWhistling dAown the wDind
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