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Black Sabbath: Podlle Billyho Corgana bude rozlučka Black Sabbath magická - Billy Corgan, zpěvák a kytarista americké kapely The Smashing Pumpkins, očekává od ... - rockandpop.cz | 

Paľo Hammel: Nová alba: Marilyn Manson, The Smashing Pumpkins, Szidi Tobias, Pavol Hammel či Kendrick Lamar - Vánoce jsou prakticky v dohledu a na hudební trh se dál sunou hudebníci s novými ... - novinky.cz | 

Smashing Pumpkins: Nová alba: The Smashing Pumpkins, Spirituál kvartet a Chrystabell s Davidem Lynchem - Prázdninové novinky hlásí americká skupina The Smashing Pumpkins, jež na začátku ... - novinky.cz | 

Khalid: Nové desky 31/2024 - od The Smashing Pumpkins přes Khalida po Orvilla Pecka - Mírné zklidnění v přívalu hudebních novinek minulý týden narušili The Smashing ... - musicserver.cz | 

ATUM: Smashing Pumpkins vydajú v auguste album Aghori Mhori Mei. Singlovú ochutnávku nečakajte - Iba pár dní delí priaznivcov The Smashing Pumpkins od novej albumovej nahrávky Aghori... - zoznam.sk | 

Smashing Pumpkins: SMASHING PUMPKINS plodí dál, v srpnu vyjde nové album - SMASHING PUMPKINS ohlásili nové album „Aghori Mhori Mei“, které vyjde už 2. srpna... - spark | 

Smashing Pumpkins: LIVE: The Smashing Pumpkins nestárnou. V O2 universu zářili charismatem a legendárními hity - Naposledy se představili českému publiku před pěti lety ve vyprodaném Foru Karlín.... - IREPORT | 

Smashing Pumpkins: FOTOGALERIE: The Smashing Pumpkins v Praze v obrazech - Po pěti letech se do Prahy vrátila ikonická americká rocková kapela The Smashing Pum... - musicserver.cz | 

Smashing Pumpkins: RECENZE: The Smashing Pumpkins přemohli žánrovou nevyrovnanost nasazením - Devadesátá léta nebyla k zahození. Podobně na tom byla i desetiletí, která je ob... - novinky.cz | 

Smashing Pumpkins: NAžIVO: The Smashing Pumpkins v Praze vzpomínali na devadesátky - Kultovní alternativně rocková legenda devadesátých let, The Smashing Pumpkins, oslav... - musicserver.cz | 

Smashing Pumpkins - X.y.u Smashing Pumpkins - X.y.u | | X.Y.U.
she didn't wanna be, she didn't wanna know
she couldn't run away cause she was crazy
she gave it all away, she saw her baby break
and in the air it hung that she was dull razors
and i said, i wanna fill you up, i wanna break you, i wanna give you up
from one another, another one should come to one another
no one should come between us
still i was lonely, and she was by my side, my one and only
knows that she could never hide
i couldn't feel her, and it was just a game,
cause i was lonely and she was crazy
rat-tat-tat, ka boom boom, now take that, and just a bit of this
cause i'm a watcher, and i'm a doer of none
come to save you, cause you're all mine
i hurt where i can't feel, i feel where i can't hurt
i know where i can't know, i bleed for me and mine
ka-boom, a rat-tat-tat, and some good ole bliss
cause i'm a sister, and i'm a motherfuck
i am made of shamrocks, i am made of stern stuff
i am never enough, i am the forgotten child
and i said i wanna fill you up, i wanna break you, i wanna give you up
from one another, no one should ever come
in between us, between us and our love
mary had a little lamb, her face was white as snow
and everywhere that mary went i was sure to go
now mary's got a problem, and mary's not a stupid girl
mary's got some deep shit, and mary does not forget
and this is how mary's garden grows, and this is how mary has her ghosts
and into the eyes of the jackyl i say ka-boom
now we begin descent, to where we've never been
there is no going back, this wasn't meant to last
this is a hell on earth, we are meant to serve
and she will never learn [she will never learn]
bye bye, baby goodbye [bye bye]
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