Celine Dion

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Celine Dion:
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Celine Dion:
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Celine Dion:
RECENZE: Zpěvačka bez hlasu a v křeči. Film Já jsem: Céline Dion ukazuje
boj se vzácnou nemocí
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Celine Dion:
Strašlivý záchvat Céline Dion: Zpěvačka trpí nemocí, která jí v
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Celine Dion:
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Celine Dion:
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Celine Dion:
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Celine Dion:
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Celine Dion:
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Celine Dion:
Velkolepý návrat Céline Dion na obálce Vogue: Pózovala v šortkách
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Celine Dion

Fanúšikov: 0


Celine Dion - Je Lui Durai / I Will Tell Him
Celine Dion - Je Lui Durai / I Will Tell Him



Poznámka: 1 Girl & 4 Types

Pesničku videlo 2566 návštevníkov.

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I will say to him that it is this country
Or his/her large-father etait logger
That in its blood the East runs too
That the melanges make beautiful children
That it is strong and quite alive

I will say to him that it is love
That we await it passionnement
That each night is erased at the new day
That it will be large but that it has time well
Oh god which it has well time

And that the life calls it, that the world awaits it
That the ground is so beautiful and the sky is so large
That it is beautiful, that I like it, that it is my life, my joy
That it is one among million human
But well the single one for me

I will say to him that ici-bas very is learned
The good, evil and same happiness
That it never loses its eyes of child
In front of too many misfortunes and of ugliness
That it looks with its heart

I will say to him to be wise and careful
Of going froler ices and fires
That it goute has all but without never dependre
That too much can be worse than too little
Oh quite worse than too little

And that the life calls it, that the world awaits it
That the ground is so beautiful and the sky is so large
That it is beautiful, that I like it, that it is my life, my joy
That it is one among million human
But well the single one for me

I will tell him the songs the poems
That there is no love without history
That happiness is a grain that one seme
That love and health are not achetent
And that one is rich only of Ca

I will say to him that one day another woman
Will come to like it and that he will like it
That I will die about it of happiness and tears
But that we will be, not after step
That it is the life and its law

And that the life calls it that the world awaits it
That the ground is so beautiful and the sky is so large
That it is beautiful, that I like it, that it is my life, my joy
That it is one among million human
But well the single one for me

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Tvoje obľúbené piesne
Najnavštevovanejšie piesne
Najnavštevovanejšie piesne
My Heart Will Go On - akordy a text

The Power Of Love - akordy a text

Titanic - text

Ma Chambre - text

Naked - text

L Abandon - text

Apprends-moi - text

Would I Know - text

All By Myself - preklad

TELL HIM - CZ - preklad

I Surrender - preklad

My Heart will go on - taby

MY HEART WILL GO ON - CZ - preklad

A New Day Has Come - akordy a text

Beauty And The Beast - akordy a text

Ave Maria - text

Pour Que Tu Maimes Encore - akordy a text

I Want You To Need Me - preklad

Beauty And The Beast - preklad

Vole - preklad


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(C) 2002 - Pavol Bacigál - kontakt: info@supermusic.sk