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Mariah Carey: Sexy zpěvačka Mariah Carey (55): Přiznala nového chlapa! - Americká zpěvačka... - blesk.cz | 

AHA: Hviezdna Mariah Carey (55) má NOVÃHO PRIATEĽA: Zbalila o 17 rokov mladÅ¡ieho hudobnÃka! - ASPEN - O tom, že v živote hviezdnej Mariah Carey (55) je nový muž, sa Å¡pe... - bleskovky.sk | 

Mariah Carey: Vánoční hit od Mariah Carey má nový rekord - Sváteční hit All I Want for Christmas Is You v podání americké zpěvačky Mariah ... - rockandpop.cz | 

Answer: Konzum vs. originalita, týmto pesničkami si môžete spríjemniť Vianoce - Modernú pieseň so starosvetským vianočnom napísala, nahrala a 1. decembra 2019 Taylo... - teraz.sk | 

Mariah Carey: Mariah Carey na posledním koncertě svého vánočního turné podepsala Rihanně prso - Mariah Carey zakončila své vánoční turné Christmas Time triumfálním koncertem v B... - evropa2.cz | 

Baltimore: VianoÄný koncert Mariah Carey mal neÄakaný priebeh: Fanúšikovia sa pobili priamo pod pódiom! - BALTIMORE - Takúto Å¡ou zrejme diváci neÄakali. VianoÄný koncert americk... - bleskovky.sk | 

Mariah Carey: Mariah Carey prý věděla, že její sestra umírá. Poslední přání Alison bylo usmíření, zpěvačka ale nezavolala - Vztahy v rodině Mariah Carey byly vždy velmi komplikované a vypjaté, což se nyní ... - super.cz | 

Mariah Carey: Mariah Carey přišla v jeden den o matku i sestru - Mariah Carey prožívá nejtěžší chvíle svého života. Oznámila, že během jedin... - IREPORT | 

Mariah Carey: Mariah Carey zverejnila singel Rainbow End z reedície albumu Rainbow - V roku 1999 vydala Mariah Carey album Rainbow, ktorý priniesol hity Heartbreaker, Thank ... - zoznam.sk | 

Mariah Carey: Ariana Grande vydala remix hitu Yes, and? Spolupracovala na ňom s Mariah Carey - Mladá speváčka Ariana Grande si splnila sen. Dnes vychádza spolupráca s jej hudobnou... - zoznam.sk | 

Mariah Carey - I Wish You Well Mariah Carey - I Wish You Well | | This goes out to you and you and you
You know who you are
Hmm hmm hmm
When glory days turn to stormy nights
You must have been so petrified
Didn't you, didn't you feel so cold
You against the world in a losing fight
Captive of your demons inside
So you sought an enemy
(I'm not your enemy. He lives in you, you know it's true)
Like times before to mock ignorantly
(But the Lord said love, love your enemy so just...)
Take heed to the Word it's time
Check Proverbs 19:29
Don't cry
I wish you well
I wish you well
I wish you well
I truly wanted solidarity
Still wearing my blinders back then
(So much I didn't see)
I weep for what I dreamed we all could be
I'll keep you in prayer till the end
Still bruised, still walk on eggshells
Same frightened child, hide to protect myself
(Can't believe I still need to protect myself from you)
But you can't manipulate me like before
Examine first John chapter 4 verse 4
I wish you well
I wish you well
I wish you well
Be strong in the Lord and power of His might
If my shows of gratitude are miniscule
Inside your mind, sorry
(I'm so sorry, please forgive me)
There's only so much I can do I love you and did all that I could
Maybe when you're cursing me
You don't feel so incomplete
But we've all made mistakes
Felt the guilt and self-hate
I know you've been there for me plenty
Maybe still got love for me
But let him without sin cast the first stone brethren
But who remains standing then
Not you not I see Phillipians 4:9
(Put it into practice and the God of Peace will be with you)
I wish you well
I wish you well
I wish you well
(He who the Son sets free is free indeed)
No weapon formed against me shall prosper
Surely God is my salvation
I will trust and not be afraid
The Lord, the Lord is my salvation
I will trust in Him
Yes, I know that I know that I know that I know
But I have had God's help to this very day
And so I stand here and testify
To small and great alike
So the more you curse me
The more you're blessing me
The Word said it
Love your enemies
Do good to those who curse you
Pray for those who mistreat you
Psalms 129:2
They have greatly oppressed me from my youth
But they have not gained victory over me
(In Jesus' name)
I wish you well
He that keeps his mind state on the Lord
He will keep them in perfect peace |
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