Semisonic - Never You Mind Semisonic - Never You Mind | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
G,D# 4x
GSaturday morning aD#lone and barely feeling
GSitting at home after D#rocking and a-reeling
BAll night in a G#cat fight
With the Gonly one who can make me Dcry
GOpen the blinds and the D#world is in rotation
GShaking my mind like an D#Etch-a-Sketch erasing
BSunshine, you were G#bad, I'm
Still mad Gbut I can't remember Dwhy
I beD#lieve you know me Fwell
I react Gmilike you're ringing a Cbell
Are you D#sorry that you treat me unFkind
Never you G#mindD#
G,D# 2x
GRolling along to the D#song that aggravates us
GBeckoned on by the D#mirage of an oasis
BHurry, I'm getting G#blurry
And it's no Glonger clear in my Dmind
I beD#lieve you know me Fwell
I react Gmilike you're ringing a Cbell
Are you D#sorry that you treat me unFkind
Never you G#mindD#
I beD#lieve I got you Fdown
You react Gmilike anybody else Caround
Are you D#sorry that we wasted our Ftime
Never you G#mind D#
GSometimes it takes all my time guessing why I can't Cmifigure it out
GSometimes it takes all my energy just to forCmiget about
D#All the memoCmiries that I'd be G#better off withGmiout
CI beD#lieve you know me Fwell
GSwitch on the box Mr. D#Spock is on the table
GDr. McCoy is D#unable to connect his Bbrain
Sweatin and G#strainin
Well it Gseemed so simple at the Dtime
I beD#lieve you know me Fwell
I react Gmilike you're ringing a Cbell
Are you D#sorry that you treat me unFkind
Never you G#mindD#
I beD#lieve I got you Fdown
You react Gmilike anybody else Caround
Are you D#sorry that we wasted our Ftime
Never you G#mind D#
B,G#,B,G#,B,G#,D# 2x
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