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Mariah Carey: Sexy zpěvačka Mariah Carey (55): Přiznala nového chlapa! - Americká zpěvačka... - blesk.cz | 

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Mariah Carey: Vánoční hit od Mariah Carey má nový rekord - Sváteční hit All I Want for Christmas Is You v podání americké zpěvačky Mariah ... - rockandpop.cz | 

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Mariah Carey: Mariah Carey zverejnila singel Rainbow End z reedície albumu Rainbow - V roku 1999 vydala Mariah Carey album Rainbow, ktorý priniesol hity Heartbreaker, Thank ... - zoznam.sk | 

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Mariah Carey - Betcha Gon' Know Mariah Carey - Betcha Gon' Know | | Betcha Gon' Know
Welcome to a day of my life
The Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome, to a day of my life..The Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel
Though the lights were low, I could see you both
In a lovers silhouette
And my heart stood still, i was froze right there
Staring down at her red dress
So I bolted out the door, jumped right into the car
It's too dangerous to be in the vicinity of where you are
Rolled down all the windows just so I could breath
Can't believe you just actually did that s*it to me
I'm going 'bout a hundred, mascara running
Laughing out of anger, but it don't strike me as funny
Been to good to you , I've been virtuous and true
To have something like this happen in my own bedroom
Betcha Gon Know how it feels when I get you back
Betcha Gon Know how it feels and your hearts been cracked
Betcha Gon Know how it feels and we fade to black
And you see your whole world collapse
I'm gonna lalalalala laugh
I'm gonna lalalalala laugh
I'm gonna lalalalala laugh
Right in your face boy
Betcha Gon Know how it feels
So I pulled to the side of the road to fix my face
But I can't cover with make up with what my tears did to me
I wake up in a haze, morning due and sunrays
As I drive I hide my eyes behind my black Cavalli shades
A block from the house, slowly creep in the driveway
Tiptoe through the door, but your there wide awake
Your like : Where you been?
I'm like: Sorry but I fell asleep on Jasmins sofa
I could have swore that RayRay called you and told ya
Your like : Are you OK?
I'm like : mmm, right go to sleep and I'll be fine
But if you only knew what was in the back of my mind
Really stung, but your really gonna find out in time
Betcha Gon Know how it feels when I get you back
Betcha Gon Know how it feels and your hearts been cracked
Betcha Gon Know how it feels when we fade to black
And you see your whole world collapse
This is for real, for real, for real
Oprah Winfrey, whole segment, for real, for real
20/20, Barbara Walters, for real, for real
60 minutes for real
Baby, I had all the guns but not a word from you
You got me all crazy, somewhere down the line your gonna get what you deserve
....you fuc*ing jerk
Your were supposed to save me, my sweet baby
Now we are fading away..but your gonna know how this feels
Even if it's the last thing I ever do
To be continued.......
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