Scissor Sisters - Take Your Mama2 Scissor Sisters - Take Your Mama2 | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
G F Ami G 2krat
GWhen you grow up / Livin' like a good boy Foughta
And your Amimama / Takes a shine to her best Gson
GSomething different / All the girls they seem to like Fyou
Cause you're Amihandsome / Like to talk and a whole lot of Gfun
But now your Amigirl's gone a missin'
And your house has got an D7empty Gbed
The folks'll Amiwonder 'bout the wedding
They won't listen to a D7word you Gsaid
GGonna take your mama out all night
Yeah we'll Fshow her what it's all about
We'll get her Cjacked up on some cheap champagne
We'll let the Ggood times all roll out
GAnd if the music ain't good, well it's just too bad
We're gonna Fsing along no matter what
Because the Cdancers don't mind at the New Orleans
If you tip G'em and they make a cut
GDo it - Take your mama Fout all night
So she'll have no Cdoubt that we're doing oh the best we Gcan
GWe're gonna do it - Take your mama Fout all night
You can Cstay up late 'cause baby you're a full grown Gman
G, F, Ami, G
GIt's a struggle / Livin' like a good boy Foughta
In the Amisummer / Watchin' all the girls pass Gby
GWhen your mama / Heard the way that you'd been Ftalking
I tried to tell Amiyou / That all she'd wanna do is Gcry
Now we Amiend up takin' the long way home
Lookin' overdressed wearin' buckets of D7stale Gcologne
It's so Amihard to see streets on a country road
When your glasses in the garbage
And your Continental's D7just got Gtowed
GGonna take your mama out all night
Yeah we'll Fshow her what it's all about
We'll get her Cjacked up on some cheap champagne
We'll let the Ggood times all roll out
GAnd if the music ain't good, well it's just too bad
We're gonna Fsing along no matter what
Because the Cdancers don't mind at the New Orleans
If you tip G'em and they make a cut
GDo it - Take your mama Fout all night
So she'll have no Cdoubt that we're doing oh the best we Gcan
GWe're gonna do it - Take your mama Fout all night
You can Cstay up late 'cause baby you're a full grown Gman
Pozn.: originál začína od B
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