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ACID FORCE: VOIVOD, ACID FORCE – 18. 7. 2024, Praha, Modrá Vopice - VOIVOD a ACID FORCE v Modré Vopici fotila Jana Chržová.
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FLOTSAM AND JETSAM: Bývalý basák METALLIKY Jason Newsted draží přes šedesát svých kytar - Jason Newsted, bývalý baskytarista METALLIKY, FLOTSAM AND JETSAM či VOIVOD, se zbavuje... - spark | 

Brutal Assault: VOIVOD se valí na Prahu! Do vesmíru se startuje již příští týden v Modré Vopici - Progresivní kanadští thrasheři VOIVOD se letos v létě vrátí na venkovní stage Mo... - spark | 

Blur: Nové desky 29/2023 - od Blur přes soundtrack k 'Barbie' po rockery Greta Van Fleet - Druhá polovina července nám přinesla novou desku od Blur, nadupaný soundtrack k film... - musicserver.cz | 

Voivod: VOIVOD přehráli svou historicky vůbec první skladbu a teď ji sdílí - Necelého půl druhého roku po posledním řadovém počinu „Synchro Anarchy“ pustí... - spark | 

Vektor: Thrasheři VEKTOR obětí cancel culture? - VEKTOR, svého času označováni coby nástupci slovutných VOIVOD, za sebou nemají leh... - spark | 

Voivod: VOIVOD vzdávají hold oblíbenému sci-fi hrdinovi - Kanadští technici VOIVOD 4. listopadu doplní své letos vydané album „Synchro Anarc... - spark | 

Voivod: Přispějte na sochu Piggyho z VOIVOD - Na Kickstarteru byla spuštěna kampaň na vztyčení sochy zesnulého kytaristy VOIVOD P... - spark | 

Avatar: Festivalu Brutal Assault přijedou ke čtvrtstoletí gratulovat i Avatar, Voivod nebo Sick Of It All - S blížícím se nadvakrát odloženým termínem jubilejního pětadvacátého festival... - musicserver.cz | 

Voivod: VOIVOD si v novém videoklipu pohrávají s osudem - Kanadští pionýři progresivního metalu upozorňují na svou očekávanou novou desku ... - spark | 

Voivod - Jack Luminous Voivod - Jack Luminous | *** Autor textu: Bélanger *** Autor hudby: Voivod | Listen! Listen to me! Can't you hear me?!!
Listen! I beg of you!!
I have escaped the one who rules deep in space
He knows my name, I know his game
Now that I'm here, he will know where I am...
And he will get you too!!
And he will make you believe whatever he wants
Inside your brain, he'll play his game
Listen now!
Please! Don't you believe/whatever he says... whatever he says...
I'm no preacher, I'm no space cowboy
I'm no flash in the pan!!
Don't you know that you have another thing coming?
You are not safe, here in this place
Are you aware you face your lat dead line?
I am here to warn you... President X-D will be on your TV
Electron waves, a pixel face
Listen now!
Please! Don't you believe/whatever he says... whatever he says...
You will never switch him off, when you're hypnotized
Don't you dare to call his bluff, he's well organized
He gets around...
Listen to me, it's not easy... to let you be
Happy in your world, and you can't imagine
What will come from the Milky Way, far away
My words are clear, we can't stay here... what do you fear?
Happy in your world, and you can't imagine
What will come from the Milky Way, far away
You, people of this world, be prepared to greet Me
You, people of this world, you will submit to Me!
Deep into my third eye, you are getting sleepy
Deep into my third eye, now you belong to Me!
Now! Is the time, together we can change this place.. for the.. better
Now, focus on my voice, will you do it for me?
Now, focus on my voice, yes you will do it for me!
I'll give you everything, but you must come to me
I'll give you everything, but you'll have to join me!
Now! Is the time, together we can change this place.. for the.. better
You will never switch him off, when you're hypnotized
Don't you dare to call his bluff, he's well organized
X-D is coming... the sky is changing
X-D is coming... my head is spinning
And what about Hydra, Sirrah, Pollux and Gemma...
Diadem, Bellatrix, Mirach, Izar...
Lies are what we once knew, time to live something new, hey hey
We can no longer take things for granted
We can no remember what we wanted, hey hey
We're not slaves anymore, now we know what life is for
We don't fight anymore, he is what we're living for
We're not slaves anymore, now we know what life is for
We don't fight anymore... not anymore...
More than tears fill my eyes, as bright ships dot the sky
More than fear is in sight, as moon and sun stand by... and cry
So? This is the end, I'm leaving now, farewell my friends
X-D is now in control, making plans for His new home
Fate lights me from within, to the stars I'm fleeing
Earth heeds not my warning, forever sleepwalking... dreaming
So? This is the end, I'm leaving now, farewell my friends
Maybe one day, time will tell, I'll be back and break the spell...
I'll break the spell... break the spell...
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