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DANSE MACABRE: Duran Duran opráší loňské album Danse Macabre - Neobvyklý soundtrack pro halloweenské období Danse Macabre od Duran Duran znovu ožije... - musicserver.cz | 

Duran Duran: RECENZE: 'Danse Macabre' ako halloweenský úlet Duran Duran? - Keď v roku 1995 vydala ikona britskej novej vlny album coverov "Thank You", išlo o dos... - musicserver.cz | 

Doro: Nová alba: Duran Duran, Doro, OMD, Taylor Swiftová, Sebastian i James Blunt - Britští Duran Duran se na své novince nechali inspirovat hudbou, která frčela před ... - novinky.cz | 

James Blunt: Nové desky 43/2023 - od Duran Duran přes Annu K. po Taylor Swift - V tomto týdnu tu máme nebývalý příval domácích hudebníků v čele s Annou K., Š... - musicserver.cz | 

DANSE MACABRE: Duran Duran vydávajú halloweensky album Danse Macabre. Prijmite pozvanie na parket - Nahrávka inšpirovaná dvojicou minuloročných vystúpení v Las Vegas s tematikou Hall... - zoznam.sk | 

Duran Duran: AUDIO: Singl 'Black Moonlight' od Duran Duran je chytlavý a spooky - Vydání šestnácté řadovky "Danse Macabre" se pomalu, ale jistě blíží. A další ... - musicserver.cz | 

DANSE MACABRE: Duran Duran predstavuje singel Black Moonlight. Spája kapelu s Andym Taylorom a Nileom Rodgersom - Duran Duran zverejnili ďalší singel z pripravovaného albumu Danse Macabre. Black Moon... - zoznam.sk | 

Duran Duran: VIDEO: Animovaní Duran Duran nám s 'Danse Macabre' chtějí zpestřit Halloween - Duran Duran na 27. října připravili podivný hybrid desky a alba coververzí pod názv... - musicserver.cz | 

Duran Duran: Slávnemu hudobníkovi nedávali šancu na život: Liečba rakoviny zabrala... Navštívil ho anjel! - LONDÝN - Anglický gitarista Andy Taylor (62), ktorý sa preslávil najmä pôsobením v... - topky.sk | 

Duran Duran: Duran Duran na desce 'Danse Macabre' předělali písně od Billie EIlish či Rolling Stones - Duran Duran před časem oznámili, že 27. října vydají u Tape Modern/BMG svou již ... - musicserver.cz | 

Duran Duran - The Man Who Stole A Leopard Duran Duran - The Man Who Stole A Leopard | | Do you know where we are?
I'm longing for the dark of our nocturnal life
It begins and ends with you
Don't spill my secret
You were once running wild, hiding in the morning mist
Game demands I make you mine
I thought that I could resist, but the leopard in you silently preyed on me
I made my way back home (Did you follow her?)
I handled her with care (Were you in control?)
So elegant and sleek (Were you not afraid?)
I need her to be near (Does she belong to you?)
Don't spill my secret
Deserted by my friends (Don't they understand?)
She's so much more than them (How could they compare?)
So now she's just for me (No one else can see)
I watch her while she sleeps (Be sure she dreams of you)
Don't spill my secret
(It's been quite a while) Since we were last outside
(And do you miss the chase?) Now that we've both been tamed
(Inside this gilded cage) Prisoners of our thoughts
(You saved me from myself) Don't spill my secret...
Today a man was taken from his apartment at the NewJersey Shore, under record under suspicion of entrapment of a wild animal. Griesley Port Entry discovered a caged leopard in the building. The fully-grown feline was said to be surprisingly domesticated, by zoological experts who gave her a thorough examination, before preparing her for relocation. A large crowd had gathered outside to watch the beautiful creature, as s giant cage was lowered slowly onto the street by a crane. From here, the leopard was transfered into the back of a truck for it's journey ahead. As Slasislanika said, it's extraordinary to think that any human being could have lived in such close quarters with such a dangerous animal. Police are saying that the captive was simply besotted with the creature, and barely left her side. It's alleged that he hunted her in the wild and expertly forged documents to facilitate her illegal export to the United States of America. The incident has already created much controversy, and is now likely to lead to a major international investigation into the life of the man who stole a leopard. |
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