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Billie Eilish: Koncert hvězd pro postižené, vystoupí Billie Eilish, Green Day, Pink i Sting - FireAid, benefiční koncert s cílem získat peníze na pomoc pro postižené požáry ... - rockandpop.cz | 

Nicki Minaj: Nicki Minaj čelí žalobe. Bývalý manažér ju obviňuje z napadnutia a ublíženia na zdraví - K incidentu malo dôjsť počas turné Pink Friday 2 začiatkom tohto roka.... - Refresher.sk | 

!!!: 60 albumov roka 2024 podľa redakcie Hudba.sk - S pribúdajúcimi redaktormi, ktorí sa do nášho tradičného výberu zapájajú, je č... - zoznam.sk | 

Zach Bryan: Tržby jako HDP San Marina – koncertní rok 2024 byl rekordní - Magazín Pollstar vydal v závěru roku každoroční zprávu o stavu koncertního byznys... - spark | 

Pink: Janko Kuric z Vidieku pokrstí druhé CD kapely Ukupunktúra - Posledná novembrová sobota (30.11.) bude v podpalubí lode Pink Whale patriť krstu dru... - zoznam.sk | 

Bažant Pohoda: Katarzia, Vladimir 518, Nina Kohout, Dukla, Ventolin či The Wilderness. Pozrite si fotoreport z Koncertu pre všímavých - Organizátori festivalu Pohoda a bratislavský klub Pink Whale sa spojili, aby spoločne ... - zoznam.sk | 

Katarzia: Umelecká oslava Nežnej revolúcie: Na Koncerte pre všímavých vystúpia Vladimir 518, Katarzia, Ventolin aj Nina Kohout - Už v nedeľu 17. novembra sa uskutoční Koncert pre všímavých ako hudobná oslava 35... - zoznam.sk | 

Pink: Karol MikloÅ¡ na Å¡peciálnom koncerte s hosÅ¥ami v Pink Whale pokrstà nový album NoÄné vlaky - V sobotu 14. septembra sa bude v priestoroch bratislavského klubu Pink Whale kon... - bleskovky.sk | 

Manon Meurt: Shoegaze, post-rock aj krautrock v podpalubí Pink Whale - Rád chodím na koncerty, kde okrem dobrej hudby stretnem aj dobrých priateľov. Presne ... - zoznam.sk | 

Karol Mikloš: Karol Mikloš na špeciálnom koncerte s hosťami v Pink Whale pokrstí nový album Nočné vlaky - V sobotu 14. septembra sa bude v priestoroch bratislavského klubu Pink Whale konať v... - zoznam.sk | 

Pink - Catch 22 Pink - Catch 22 | | Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen and welcome to P!nk Airlines.
We hope your flight is enjoyable and our flight attendants are here to ensure your ride is as pleasant as possible.
Seat backs and tray tables must be in the upright position during take-off and landing.
All carry-on luggage must be stored in an over-heard compartment or under the seat in front of you.
Waiting on t a ticket
'Cos you're looking for the ride
You're feeling on top
'Cos you're flying through the sky
You wanna have your cake
And you wanna eat it too
Everybody's always pointing fingers at you
You're damned if you do
You're damned if you don't
We're always doing all the things that we say we won't
Here we go
We're riding on a whim
Connecting with a rendezvous
Here we go
We're jumping of the wings
We're going round in circles
It's a Catch 22
Yes, we're rocking round in circles
It's a Catch 22
If you are seated in an emergency exit aisle
And feel as though you are unable or unwilling to assist in case of an emergency
Please notify a flight attendant immediately
All electrical equipment, including cell phones, 2-way pagers, portable CD players, laptops, etc.
Should remain in the off position until the pilot notifies us that we are at a safe flying altitude of 10,000 feet.
Looking from the outside
You're always looking in
You think you fixed he problem
'Til it comes right back again
And life seems like a trap
You're trying to get out
You're searching for your cheese
'Cos you feel like Mighty Mouse
You're damned if you don't
You're damned if you do
You've seen all the signs
But you haven't got a clue
Here we go
We're riding on a whim
Connecting with a rendezvous
Here we go
We're jumping of the wings
We're going round in circles
It's a Catch 22
Yes, we're flying round in circles
It's a Catch 22
Yes, we're rocking round in circles
It's a Catch 22
You are in for the ride of your life
We realise you have many choices and on behalf of P!nk Arilines we'd like to thank you for flying with us
We hope you have a wonderful stay wherever your destination may be
And remember be careful when retrieving your items
As during the flight they may have shifted and might fall on you or your neighbour's head
And knock you the f**k out
Here we go
We're riding on a whim
Connecting with a rendezvous
Here we go
We're jumping of the wings
We're going round in circles
It's a Catch 22
Yes, we're flying round in circles
It's a Catch 22
Yes, we're rocking round in circles
It's a Catch 22
| |