

Extreme - More than words Extreme - More than words | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
G, Cadd9, Ami7, C, C, D, G
GSaying I loCadd9ve you is
Ami7not the words I Cwant to Dhear from Gyou
GIt's not that I Cadd9want you
Ami7not to say but Cif you Donly Emiknew
Hmi7Ho-ow Ami7ea-sy
DIt would be to Gshow me D/F#how you Emifeel
Hmi7More than Ami7words is D7all you have to G7do
G7To make it real C
CThen you Cmiwouldn't have to Gsay
That you loEmi7ve me 'cos
Ami7I'd alD7ready knGow:
GWhat would you do D/F#
if my Emiheart was Hmitorn in Ctwo
CMore than words to G/Bshow
you Ami7feel that your loD7ve for me is realG
GWhat would you say D/F#
if I Emi7took those Hmi7words aCway?
CThen you couldn't make G/Bthings Ami7new
Just by D7saying I love Gyou (Repeat intro x2)
Now that I've tried to
Talk to you and make you understand
All that you have to do is
Close your eyes and just reach out your hands
And touch me
Hold me close don't ever let me go
More than words
Is all I ever needed you to show
Then you wouldn't have to say
That you love me
Cos I'd All Ready Know
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