Led Zeppelin

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Led Zeppelin:
Objavilo sa koncertné video Led Zeppelin, ktoré viac ako 40 rokov
ležalo v zásuvke fanúšika
- Časť koncertu Led Zeppelin z roku 1979 sa zachovala na 8 mm filme fanúšika Le... - bleskovky.sk

Led Zeppelin:
Raketový start Led Zeppelin přichází na plátna českých kin - Led Zeppelin - hudební ikonu, která nepřestává vzrušovat a fascinovat -, lze od 27.... - musicserver.cz

Led Zeppelin:
Zveřejnili část koncertu Led Zeppelin z roku 1979 - Část koncertu britské kapely Led Zeppelin z roku 1979 v Kodani se zachovala na osmimil... - rockandpop.cz

Objavilo sa koncertné video Led Zeppelin, ktoré ležalo viac ako 40 rokov v
zásuvke fanúšika
- Časť koncertu Led Zeppelin z roku 1979 sa zachovala na 8mm filme fanúšika Lennarta St... - zoznam.sk

Black Sabbath:
ROZHOVOR | Mick Box: Považuju za ohromné štěstí, že písně Uriah Heep
lidé chtějí slyšet i po mnoha letech
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Led Zeppelin:
Trailer zve na dokument o Led Zeppelin - Dokumentární film Becoming Led Zeppelin byl ohlášen již v roce 2019. Jeho pracovní... - rockandpop.cz

ROZHOVOR | Simon Opp: S novým EP mi pomáhal producent Depeche Mode - Simon Opp se ještě donedávna pohyboval především v modelingu. Nyní se zkouší pro... - IREPORT

Led Zeppelin:
Dlouho očekávaný dokument Becoming Led Zeppelin zná datum premiéry.
Podívejte se na trailer
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Led Zeppelin:
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Black Country Communion:
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Led Zeppelin

Fanúšikov: 5


Led Zeppelin - Gallows Pole
Led Zeppelin - Gallows Pole




Poznámka: Trad. Arr. J. Page& R. Plant

Pesničku videlo 9015 návštevníkov.

Kvalita akordov : bez hodnotenia
Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty
Transpozícia:   [+1 +2 -1 -2]

riff :

e --------------
B --2-0-2---1-3-
G --2-0-2---0-0-
D --2-2-2---2-4-
A --------------
E --------------

Hangman, Hangman, hold it a little while
I think I see my friends a commin

GridinDa many mile

Friends you get a little silver, get a little gold
what did you bring me, my dear friends

G to keep me from the Dgallows pole

what did you bring me

to keep me Gfrom the gallows Dpole

I couldn't get no silver
couldn't get no gold
you know the way they took that ball
to Gkeep you fromD the gallows pole
AHangmanD, G, DHangman, A hold it a Dlittle Gwhile
AI think I Dsee my Gbrother commin
Gridin a Dmany GmiAle G, A, G, A, G, A

Brother you get a little silver, get a little gold
what did you bring me, my brother

to Gkeep me from the Dgallows GpoAleG, A

brother I brought you some silver
I brought a little gold
Brought a little of everything

to Gkeep you from the Dgallows GpoAleG, A
Ya I Cbrought Dyou
to Gkeep you from the Dgallows GpoAleG, A
AHangmanD, G, DHangman, Aturn your Dhead a Gwhile
AI think I Dsee my Gsister commin

Gridin a Dmany GmiAle GmiAle GmiAle GmiAle

Sister I emplore you take him by the hand
take him to some shady pass and

Gsit him on the Drock of his AmanG, A, G, A, G, A
please take him
Gsit him on the Drock of Amain G, Aman G, AmanG, A

AHangmanD, G, DHangman, Aon your faDce a Gsmile
Atell me Dthat I'm Gfree to ride
Gride for Dmany GmiAleG, A, G, A, G, A

uh you've got a fine sister
she want my blood to boil
she want my blood to boil in her
Gto keep you from the Dgallows GpoAleG, A, G, A, G, A

Your brother brought me silver
and your sister want my sole
for now I laugh oh so hard
Gshe's swinging on my Dgallows GpoAleG, A, G, A, G, A
for now I laugh oh so hard
Gshe's swinging on my Dgallows GpoAleG, A, G, A, G, A

swinging on my gallows pole
swinging on my gallows pole
swinging on my gallows pole

riffHangman, Hangman, hold it a little while
I think I see my friends a commin

Gridin a Dmany riffmile

Friends you get a little silver, get a little gold
what did you bring me, my dear friends

to Gkeep me from the Dgallows riffpole
what did you bring me

to Gkeep me from the Dgallows riffpole

I couldn't get no silver
couldn't get no gold
you know the way they took that ball

You know that we're too damn poor

to Gkeep you from the Dgallows pole

AHangmanD, G, DHangman, Ahold it a Dlittle Gwhile
AI think I Dsee my Gbrother commin

Gridin a Dmany GmiAleG, A, G, A, G, A

Brother you get a little silver, get a little gold
what did you bring me, my brother

to Gkeep me from the Dgallows GpoAleG, A

brother I brought you some silver
I brought a little gold
Brought a little of everything

to Gkeep you from the Dgallows GpoAleG, A

Ya I Cbrought Dyou

Gto keep you from the Dgallows GpoAleG, A

AHangmanD, G, DHangman, Aturn your Dhead a Gwhile
AI think I Dsee my Gsister commin

gridin a Dmany GmiAle GmiAle GmiAle GmiAle

Sister I emplore you take him by the hand
take him to some shady pass and

Take him to some shady bower

Gsit him on the Drock of his AmanG, A, G, A, G, A

Save me from the wrath of this man

please take him

Gsit him on the Drock of AmainG, AmanG, AmanG, A

Save me from the wrath of this man

AHangmanD, A, DHangman, Aon your faDce a smiGle
Atell me Dthat I'm Gfree to ride
Gride for Dmany GmiAleG, A, G, A, G, A

uh you've got a fine sister

Oh, yes, you got a fine sister

she want my blood to boil

She warmed my blood from cold

she want my blood to boil in her

She brought my blood to boiling hot

Gto keep you from the Dgallows GpoAleG, A, G, A, G, A

Your brother brought me silver
and your sister want my sole

Your sister warmed my soul

for now I laugh oh so hard
GBut now I laugh and Dpull so G, AhardG, A, G, A, G, A

she's swinging on my gallows pole

And see you swinging on the gallows pole

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