Tori Amos
Tori Amos - Winter Tori Amos - Winter | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
AmiSnow can Gwait I forCgot Dmy mGitteAmins
wipe my nGose get my nCew boots Amion
Get a little wGarm in my heart when I tChink oDf WGintAmier
I put my hGand in my faCther's glAmiove
AmiI run oGff where the DCRIFTS DGET DGEEPAmiER
Amisleeping bGeauty tCrips me with a frAmiown
AmiI hear a Gvoice "you must lCearn Dto Gstand Amiup
for yourseGlf cause I can't aClways be arAmiound" he says
Cwhen you gonna make up your Dmind
Cwhen you gonna love you as mDuch as I do
Cwhen you gonna make up your Dmind
cause tFhings are gonna CCHANGE so fAmiast
Fall the white hCorses are still in Amibed
I Ftell you that I'll Calways want you Aminear
you Fsay that things cChange my dAmiear
Amiboys get dGiscovered Cas wDintGer MAmiELTS
Amiflowers cGompeting fCor the sAmiun
Amiyears go Gby and I'm Chere Dstill GwaitAmiing
AmiwitherGing where some Csnowman Amiwas
Amimirror Gmirror where's the CcrysDtal GpalAmiace
Amibut I oGnly can sCee mysAmielf
AmiSKATING Garound the Ctruth Dwho GI Amiam
Amibut I knGow dad the Cice is getting Amithin
Amihair is Ggrey and the and the Cfires Dare GburAmining
Amiso many Gdreams Con the sAmihelf
Amiyou say GI wanted Cyou Dto Gbe AmiPROUD of me
AmiI alwayGs wanted tChat myseClf he says
Cwhen you gonna make up your Dmind
Cwhen you gonna love you as mDuch as I do
Cwhen you gonna make up your Dmind
cause Fthings are gonna cChange so fAmiast
Fall the WHITE HCORSES have gone aAmihead
FI tell you that I'll Calways want you Aminear
Fyou say that things cChange my dAmiear
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