Tori Amos
Tori Amos - Horses Tori Amos - Horses | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Capo 1
I Ggot me some EmiHorses
to Bmi, Emiride on
to Bmiride on
they Gsay that your Emidemons
can'tBmi go thereEmi
so I Ggot me some EmiHorses
to Bmi, Emiride on
to Bmiride on
as lGong as your aEmirmy
keeBmips perfecEmitly still
Piano solo
and Gmaybe I'll fEmiind me
a sBmi, Emiailor
a Bmitailor
and Gmaybe toEmigether
we'lBmil make Emimother Bmiwell
so I Ggot me some EmiHorses
to Bmi, Emiride on
to Bmiride on
as lGong as your aEmirmy
keeBmips perfecEmitly Bmistill
you Gshowed me the Emimeadow
andBmi MilkwoodEmi
and BmiSilkwood
and Gyou would if EmiI would
but Bmiyou Eminever Bmiwould
so I Gchased down your Emiposies
your Bmipansies iEmin my Bmihosies
then Gopened my Emihands
and they Bmiwere EmiemptyBmi then
Goff with SuperDfly
Esniffing a Sharpie pen
honey it's DBill and BmiBen
Goff with SuperDfly
Ecounting your bees
oh me honey like
Done two tBmihree
Gthe camerDa is Erolling
It's easy like
E two
aGnd if there Ais a way Dto find you
I will Bmifind you
but Gwill you Emifind me if Neil
Dmakes me a Bmitree
an Gafro a Emipharaoh
I Bmican't goEmi
you Bmisaid so
and Gthreads that are Emigolden don'Bmit break EmieasilBmiy
So I Ggot me some EmiHorses
to Bmi, Emiride on
to Bmiride on
they Gsay that your Emidemons
can'tBmi go thereEmi
so I Ggot me some EmiHorses
to Bmi, Emiride on
to Bmiride on
as lGong as your aEmirmy
keeps DperfEectly Bmistill
keeps DperfAectly Gstill
keeps DperfAectly Bmistill.
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