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Anastacia: Kam vyrazit v březnu? V Praze zahrají Lenny Kravitz a Anastacia, JazzFestBrno přiveze Diannu Reeves a Kamasiho Washingtona - Kam vyrazit v březnu za hudbou? Tak třeba do O2 areny, kam dorazí Lenny Kravitz, nebo ... - IREPORT | 

Anastacia: Do Prahy přijede Anastacia, Ewa Farna otevře koncerty Eda Sheerana - Koncertní agentura Live Nation oznámila, že americká popová zpěvačka Anastacia vys... - novinky.cz | 

Anastacia: Anastacia přijede v březnu 2025 do O2 universa, oslaví v něm 25 let od debutu Not That Kind - Popová hvězda Anastacia vystoupí 28. března 2025 v pražském O2 universu u přílež... - musicserver.cz | 

Anastacia: Nové desky 38/2023 - od Kylie Minogue přes The National po Paula Rodgerse - Poměrně nečekaně vydali minulý týden své druhé letošní album The National a k n... - musicserver.cz | 

Anastacia: Slávna speváčka Anastacia má dnes 55 rokov: Pozrite sa, ako teraz vyzerá! - LOS ANGELES - Je dobre známa po celom svete! Reč je o speváčke, ktorá sa volá Anast... - topky.sk | 

Anastacia: Anastacia vydá v září album coververzí. Oslavuje jím propojení s Německem - Dlouhých šest let nechala Anastacia čekat posluchače na nový materiál. Nyní má ko... - musicserver.cz | 

Anastacia: Speváčka Anastacia je späť! Upozorňuje na seba novou piesňou Best Days - Vypočuj si novinku, ktorá pochádza z jej ôsmeho albumu... - expres.sk | 

Anastacia: FOTOGALERIE: Anastaciin koncert zachycený objektivem fotoaparátu - Čtyřiapadesátiletá zpěvačka Anastacia se po čtyřech letech vrátila do České re... - musicserver.cz | 

Anastacia: OBRAZEM: Po několika odkladech se Praha dočkala koncertu Anastacie - Zpěvačka Anastacia měla v O2 universu v rámci I’m Outta Lockdown Tour původně vys... - idnes.cz | 

Anastacia: NAžIVO: Anastacia je zpěvačka ze staré školy, Prahu si podmanila okamžitě - Ale že jsme se na ni načekali! Po nekonečných odkladech způsobených nejprve pandemi... - musicserver.cz | 

Anastacia - Late Last Night Anastacia - Late Last Night | | Saw you in the restaurant
Late last night
You were looking in her eyes
Holding her hand tight
Said that you were working late
Well I guess that's true
You were working on somebody new
So you were in a restaurant with someone else
Why you were busy fooling me
Well I guess I fooled myself
But I won't be the fool again
And I tell you now
I won't stay around
While you play around
So baby pack your lies and walk right out this door
No no
I don't want your tight excuses anymore
No no
I don't wanna hear the same old lies (by the same old price)
Cause I'm through...wasting my time on loving you
Did you give your to her late last night
Did you say those things you said
When we turned out the light
When she went to touch your hand
Did you hide the ring? Haha
Did you forget to tell her about me?
Yes you did
I saw you leave the restaurant
And get in her car
I don't know where you went
But this time you went to far
Stumbling in the door at four in the morning
Just won't do
I won't stay around no
While you play around with my heart
So baby pack your lies and walk right out this door
Oh No no no no
I don't want your tight excuses anymore
No no
I don't wanna hear the same old lies (by the same old price)
(Cause I'm through) I'm so through baby, wasting my time on loving you
Didn't I give you the best of my love? (of my love)
Was it Worse or in bad
didn't I care enough (I care enough oh)
How could you go and just hurt me that way (hurt me that way)
Well I'm not gonna take it no more
(So baby pack your lies and walk right out this door)
No walk right out the door baby (oh no)
I don't want your tight excuses anymore
Nono (nono)
I don't wanna hear the same old lies again (by the same old price)
(Cause I'm through)
I'm so through baby … wasting my time - I'm wasting my time
(wasting my time on loving you)
(So baby pack your lies and walk right out this door)
I don't wanna waste it baby (oh no)
(I don't want your tight excuses anymore)
I don't want your tight excuses
I don't wanna hear the same old lies again (by the same old price)
(Cause I'm through)
I'm so through baby … wasting my time - I'm wasting my time
(Wasting my time on loving you) |
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