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58g: PUBLICISTIKA: Český rap v roce 2024 - Český rap v roce 2024 pokračoval v zavedených trendech, přesto nechybělo několik z... - musicserver.cz | 

Ben Cristovao: TOP 8 videoklipů týdne: Poetika zve na turné, Ben Cristovao do Edenu a Ventolin hledá radost - S příchodem jarních měsíců odstartují také první klubová turné českých inter... - IREPORT | 

Ben Cristovao: Ben Cristovao a jeho song Kartáček naživo ve studiu Evropy 2 - The post Ben Cristovao a jeho song Kartáček naživo ve studiu Evropy 2 appeared first o... - evropa2.cz | 

Ben Cristovao: Ben Cristovao, Mirai, Harich,… Jak to vypadalo na Hudebních cenách Evropy2? - The post Ben Cristovao, Mirai, Harich,… Jak to vypadalo na Hudebních cenách Evropy2? ... - evropa2.cz | 

Annabelle: NEJVíC NEJ: Dvacet nejlepších domácích desek roku 2024 podle musicserveru (20-16) - Už je to jisté: svět se zbláznil. Události posledních 12 měsíců to dokazují. A ... - musicserver.cz | 

Ben Cristovao: Ben Cristovao dnes o polnoci vydá album Septum. Na trackliste bude aj emotívna Omluva - Septum bude obsahovať aj emotívne piesne.... - Refresher.sk | 

Ben Cristovao: Cristovao se v songu omluvil Alagii za nevěru, tvrdí lidé. Drsná reakce nasupeného Bena - Domi Alagia a Ben Cristovao opět rozvířili vody českého showbyznysu. Poté, co zpěv... - extra.cz | 

Ben Cristovao: Ben Cristovao: Nechcem, aby si ľudia kupovali lístok na Eden preto, že mám s niekým feat. Raz som vyskočil z backstageu von oknom - Prvýkrát zažil slávu v roku 2009 vďaka speváckej súťaži Česko Slovenská SuperS... - Refresher.sk | 

Ben Cristovao: RECENZE: Ben Cristovao na desce Spektrum začíná jako puberťák a končí jako přemýšlivý muž - Ben Cristovao se necelý rok od minulého alba Zvíře vrací s další položkou do své... - musicserver.cz | 

Ben Cristovao: Ben Cristovao v éteru Evropy 2 představuje album Spektrum - The post Ben Cristovao v éteru Evropy 2 představuje album Spektrum appeared first on ... - evropa2.cz | 

Ben Cristovao - Aliengirl Ben Cristovao - Aliengirl | | A little ...
I have gone astray a long time looking for you,
your smile, I have gone astray and I hope that
me see you again you are my royal blue supernova.
And with each passing moment somewhere in my head is growing suspicion,
that I know you.
Devices crazy,
the way you look is playfully tell me the truth,
whether I am clear.
You flying around Mars,
wake up to Venus,
space is diminished and your heart pounds,
You know as well as I can not continue without me.
You are my alien,
you are my Martian,
You wonder, wonder what I'm looking for years.
You else from the world and this planet
is a place, a place where you do not want to be.
Good luck trying, by around
rollin your star, I know that I can not,
you're afraid of human bait,
afraid that at your overnight stay.
And with each passing moment somewhere in my head is growing suspicion,
even those that know me.
Extremely you're wrong if you think that just
I am the one who is afraid of you.
You flying around Mars,
wake up to Venus,
space is diminished and your heart pounds,
You know as well as I can not continue without me.
You are my alien,
you are my Martian,
You wonder, wonder what I'm looking for years.
You else from the world and this planet
is a place, a place where you do not want to be.
My alpha beta you from the word sentence
and the first book of what I like to read.
(What you're like a book I enjoy reading)
You're like a comet to teach me to fly
and show us the direction I let vista.
(Show us the direction I let vista)
- You're like a book what I like to read
Show me the direction I'll be guided -
You flying around Mars,
wake up to Venus,
space is diminished and your heart pounds,
You know as well as I can not continue without me.
You are my alien,
you are my Martian,
You wonder, wonder what I'm looking for years.
You else from the world and this planet
is a place, a place where you do not want to be.
You flying around Mars,
wake up to Venus,
space is diminished and your heart pounds,
You know as well as I can not continue without me.
You are my alien,
you are my Martian,
You wonder, wonder what I'm looking for years.
You else from the world and this planet
is a place, a place where you do not want to be. |
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