Simon & Garfunkel - America Simon & Garfunkel - America | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
1. "LCet us be lCmaj7overs we'll mAmiarry our fCortunes togFether
CI've got some rCmaj7eal estate hAmi(Ami7)ere in my bag."
SEmi7o we bought a pack of cA7igarettes and MEmi7rs. Wagner's pA9ies
Emi7and wDalked Coff to lGook for AmCericCmaj7, Ami, Ami7, Fa.
2. "Kathy" I said as we boarded a Greyhound in Pittsburgh
"Michigan seems like a dream to me now
Git took me four days to hitchhike from Saginaw
ID've cGome to lDook for AmCmaj7erica.C"
®: LBbmaj7aughing on the bBbus playing gCames with the faces
shBbmaj7e said the man in the gabardine suit was a spCy
FI said:"Be careful his bFmaj7owtie is really a cCam'ra."
3. "Toss me a cigarette I think there's one in my raincoat."
"We smoked the last one an hour ago."
SGmi7o I looked at the scA9enery shEmi7e read her mA9agazine
and the mDoon rCose Gover an CopCmaj7en fAmi7ield.C, F
4. "Kathy I'm lost" I said though I knew she was slFeepingFmaj7, Emi7
F"I'm Cempty and aching and I don't know why."
CGounting the cars on the New Jersey Turnpike
they've Dall cGome to lDook for AmCmaj7ericaC
Dall cGome to lDook for AmCmaj7erica C Dall cGome to lDook for AmCmaj7erica C...
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