Band Aid 20 - Do They Know What's Xmas Time? Band Aid 20 - Do They Know What's Xmas Time? | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: Paul McCartney |
It´s Christmas F time
GThere´s no need to Cbe afraid
At Christmas F time
We Glet in light and we Cbanish shade
And in our Dmiworld of Gplanty
We can Cspread a smile of Fjoy
Throw your Dmiarms around theG world
At ChristmasC time
But say a prayer
Pray for the other ones
At Christmas time it´s hard
But when your having fun
There´s a Dmiworld outside your Gwindow
There´s a Cworld of dread an Ffear
Where Dmionly water Gflowing
Isa Cbitter sting of Ftears
And the DmiChristmas bells that Grind there
Are the Cclanging chimes of Fdoom
Well Dmitonight thank God it´s G them instead of Cyou
And there won´t be snow in Africa
this Christmas time
The greatest gift they´ll get this year is life
Where nothing ever grows
No rain nor rivers flow
Do they know it´s Christmas time at all?
Most: C , F , C , … Ami
Rap: Ami, F (Dmi)?, G
Here to you
Rais a glass for everyone
Here´s to them
Underneath that burning sun
Do they know it´s Christmas time at all?
CFeed the FworldC
CFeed the FworldC
CFeed the FworldC , Dmi , G
Feed the world
Let them know it´s Christmas time?
Kdyby něco, tak mi napište =)
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