Nick Cave & Bad Seeds

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Nick Cave & Bad Seeds:
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Nick Cave & Bad Seeds

Fanúšikov: 1


Nick Cave & Bad Seeds - Song Of Joy
Nick Cave & Bad Seeds - Song Of Joy



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Have mercy on me, sir
Allow me to impose on you
I have no place to stay
And my bones are cold right through
I will tell you a story
Of a man and his family
And I swear that it is true

Ten years ago I met a girl named Joy
She was a sweet and happy thing
Her eyes were bright blue jewels
And we were married in the spring
I had no idea what happiness a little love could bring
Or what life had in store
But all things move toward their end
All things move toward their end
On that you can be sure

Then one morning I awoke to find her weeping
And for many days to follow
She grew so sad and lonely
Became Joy in name only
Within her breast there launched an unnamed sorrow
And a dark and grim force set all
Farewell happy fields
Where joy forever dwells
Hail horors hail

Was it an act of contrition or some awful premonition
As if she saw into the heart of her final blood-soaked night
Those lunatic eyes, that hungry kitchen knife
Ah, I see, sir, that I have your attention!
Well, could it be?
How often I've asked that question
Well, then in quick succession
We had babies, one, two, three

We called them Hilda, Hattie and Holly
They were their mother's children
Their eyes were bright blue jewels
And they were quiet as a mouse
There was no laughter in the house
No, not from Hilda, Hattie or Holly
"No wonder," people said, "poor mother Joy's so melancholy"
Well, one night there came a visitor to our little home
I was visiting a sick friend
I was a doctor then
Joy and the girls were on their own

Joy had been bound with electrical tape
In her mouth a gag
She'd been stabbed repeatedly
And stuffed into a sleeping bag
In their very cots my girls were robbed of their lives
Method of murder much the same as my wife's
Method of murder much the same as my wife's
It was midnight when I arrived home
Said to the police on the telephone
Soemone's taken four innocent lives

They never caught the man
He's still on the loose
It seems he has done many, many more
Quotes John Milton on the walls in the victim's blood
The police are investigating at tremendous cost
In my house he wrote, "red right hand"
That, I'm told is from Paradise Lost
The wind round here gets wicked cold
But my story is nearly told
I fear the morning will bring quite a frost

And so I've left my home
I drift from land to land
I am upon your step and you are a family man
Outisde the vultures wheel
The wolves howl, the serpents hiss
And to extend this small favor, friend
Would be the sum of earthly bliss
Do you reckon me a friend?
The sun to me is dark
And silent as the moon
Do you, sir, have a room?

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O Children - akordy a text

Where The Wild Roses Grow - akordy a text

Henry Lee - akordy a text

Red Right Hand - preklad

Song Of Joy - text

Where The Wild Roses Grow - akordy a text

Darker With A Day - akordy a text

Love Letter - text

Henry Lee - text

The Weeping Song - text

People Just Ain\'t No Good - text

Albert Goes West - akordy a text

Into My Arms - akordy a text

Muddy Water - akordy a text

Weeping Song - taby

The Kindness Of Strangers - akordy a text

The Curse Of Millhaven - text

Foi Na Cruz - text

Jacks Shadow - text

From Her To Eternity - text


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