Simon & Garfunkel - At the Zoo Simon & Garfunkel - At the Zoo | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
SAmaj7omeone told me it's all happening A7at the Zoo
DI do belD7ieve it GI do bDelA7ieve it's true
hGm D7, G, H7hm Emi7, H7, Emi, GhmD7, G, H7hmEmi7, H7, Emi
Hmi7it's a lGight and tumble jEmiourney
frHmi7om the GEast Side to the pHmi7, Emiark
jHmi7ust a fGine and fHmiancy rEmiamble to the ZHmi7, D, D7oo
bGut you can take thH7e crEmi7osstown bus
Hmi7if it's rGaining or H7it's cEmiold
Hmi7and the Ganimals wH7ill lEmiove it Hmi7if you dA6o if you dEmio A6oo Emioo
sAmaj7omethin' tells me it's all happening A7at the Zoo
DI do belD7ieve it GI do bDelGmiieve it's trHmi7ue
hGm D7, G, H7hm Emi7, H7, Emi, GhmD7, G, H7hmEmi7, H7, Emi
thD7e mGonkeys stand fH7or hEmionesty
gHmi7iraffGes are H7insincEmi11ere
Emiand thHmi7e Gelephants H7are kEmiindly but thHmi7ey're dDumbD7
Gorangutans H7are skEmieptical
Hmi7of chGanges in thH7eir cEmiages
and thHmi7e zGookeeper H7is vEmiery fond Hmi7of rGumEmi, Hmi7
zGebras are rH7eacEmitionariHmi7es
Gantelopes H7are mEmiissionarHmi7ies
pGigeons plot H7in sEmiecrecHmi7y
and hGamsters turn H7on frEmiequently what a gGas!
You gotta cEmiome and see
at the ZGooH7, Emi at the ZGooH7, Emi at the ZGooH7, Emi
at the ZGooH7, Emi at the ZGooH7, Emi at the ZGooH7 ..Emi.
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