Exploited - skoro vsetky texty (snazila som sa) Exploited - skoro vsetky texty (snazila som sa) | *** Autor textu: .. *** Autor hudby: ... | 15 Years
Back in the city
Got something to say
Kick out the tories
Send them on their way
15 years
Fuck off we say
Lazy bastards is what they say
They wont swap places with you no way
15 years
Fuck off we say
Fed up by being skint everyday
Walk the streets every fucking day
15 years
Fuck off we say
Tory mp have sex with boy
Back to basics a major ploy
About To Die
See these missiles in the air
All these missiles just for you
Pointed at me pointed at you
You're about to die
Dont ask me why
Wave bye bye
Parents take your children below
Is this what you planned for them
In four minutes time they will be dead
You're about to die
Dont ask me why
Wave bye bye
Just figures in governments game
You're to blame you're to blame
Was your vote that put them there
You're about to die
Dont ask me why
Wave bye bye
Why do childeren look to the sky
Watching death come from above
All those missiles just for us
Pointed at me pointed at you»
I take smack and I take speed
It helps me get by it helps my needs
When you're down there's no way out
Nobody to hear your body shout
Shaking and twitching
Shaking and twitching
Shaking and twitching falling about
There's no help nerves worn out
Had two breakdowns in four years
But when he comes down his mind's not here
Addicted to this addicted to that
Can't cure myself of this and that
I take some more and there is no pain
Then I feel alright I'm out of my brain
Have a line go on snort one more
Drugs o/d you collapse on the floor
In an ambulance with the siren on
It's 5 am you're dead
Adding To Their Fears
They don't understand us
Safety pins and leathers
Better than being a drag queen
False eye-lashes and leathers
Better than mugging old ladies
Or raping innocent girls
Or haning around kids playground
Looking for cheap thrills
We're adding to their fears
They don't like how we look
Our hairstyle or our gear
Ignorance only make them worse
Adding to their fears
They often take one look at us
Their expression says it all
In their world of ego building
We don't rate at all
We're adding to their fears
They acted the same when others came
With drapes and blue suede shoes
Reggae and heavy metal
Jazz and grass roots blues
Prince charles might like break dancing
And di might just like funk
But we don't give a fucking shit
Cause we're still playing to the punks
Affected By Them
Its sad to say that children
No longer scared of dead bodies
Pass corpses everyday
No longer affected by them
No longer affected by them
No longer affected by them
No longer affected by them
No respect for human life
They become insensitive
Children all alone
Whats the reason why
No longer affected by them
No longer affected by them
No longer affected by them
Once they were best friends
Now theyre enemies
Drawn by the smell
Was the remains of children dying
Something's happened what's gone wrong
Going down the dole got to sign on
Millions of kids with nowt to do
You better watch out they're after you
I don't wanna join the army
I know it's a waste of time
No alternative is what they say
The choice is mine
Politicians what do they care
They're all money grabbers they're after their share
They don't even care if you get shot
Cause there ain't no way they'll be there
Do you really want to die
Kill other people just to survive
Only the dead have their freedom
It's the living that's got to suffer most
Another Day To Go Nowhere
Another day to go nowhere
Another day to go nowhere
Another day to go nowhere
Another day to go nowhere
Another factory closes down
Protesting voices have been drowned
Just another town that dies
Work force workers go home and cry
Another day to go nowhere
Another day to go nowhere
Another day to go nowhere
Another day to go nowhere
Another family leaves the town
Try their luck southward bound
Its only hope that spurs them on
Lost horizons dream on
Another day to go nowhere
Another day to go nowhere
Another day to go nowhere
Another day to go nowhere
Another day to go nowhere
Nights of boredom trigger despair
Anarch breaks out in the workless homes
Ousted sons and daughters roam
Another day to go nowhere
Another day to go nowhere
Another day to go nowhere
Another day to go nowhere
Another corpse hangs from a tree
Is suicide left for you and me
Reared up in a workless zone
Teachers in the damned to free their own
No way to halt them
Resign to your fate
Do you let them drag you down
So they can celebrate
Anarchys rising again
To rid their hellish schemes
Lets all rule ourselves
Let god save the queen
They're anti uk
Whom do we trust
With their pre-election lies
All they give are promises
Policies to hypnotise
Smooth tounged liars
Intelluctual men
Now their power crazy
They'll destroy us all in the end
They're anti uk
Anarchys rising again
To rid their hellish schemes
Lets all rule ourselves
Let god save the queen
They're anti uk
Army Life
Never give up, never give up, never give up the army [x3]
Join the army at seventeen
till you sware that you're a killing machine
three more rifles if they die
you got to do everwhat army says
[Orch:] Army life is killing me, me, me
Army life is killing me
Where the Belfast is the fucking fun
Walking about with atomic gun
several years and when you're dead
you'll just be anounced in your local paper
Five is up just AM at morning
I got to get from the bed to teach
fuck to the gathering full of hate
you got to do everywhat army says
Join the way how to kill
Join the army to be your man
For our words in name of years
is got to do everwhat army says
Army Style
Detailed for a firing party
An enemy of the states is going to be killed
The firing squads are dressed to kill
Duty first and they're well drilled
Army style
Army style
Army style
And they're dressed to kill
Questions pound my head
Why should we take part in another mans death
One way thinkers possessed and trapped
Caught in a system where you can't answer back
Army style
Army style
Army style
And they're dressed to kill
Sitting in my room at night
Feeling half dead
A dog two blocks away or more
Is howling in my head
My mind is getting dangerous
My body feels like lead
Icy horrors hit me, send shivers to my head
Attack attack
You can't fight back
Attack attack
An enemy you can't find
An enemy you can't find
Throat can't talk legs won't walk
Rooted am deaf and dumb
Terror rising in my gut
Makes my brain go numb
Something's creeping round the door
Something filled with threat
I bite a hole right through my lip
My back is trickling sweat
I taste blood inside my mouth
Am choking on the bile
I want to burst right out of here
I want to run a mile
The sickenss of the city
Is spreading thru the night
Someone else is screaming
To be let out for the night
Barry Prossit
Lyin in a stone cold room
Some would call a cell
For poor old barry prossit
This one had just been hell
The screws went in with batons out
And took this young mans life
They left behind a family
A heartbroken widowed wife
Barry prossit dead
The papers screamed for justice
Put these men in jail
Ha barrys friends and family
Knew that this would fail
The screws at last were brought to court
The charges then were read
But no-one really knew for sure
Who rendered barry prossits dead
Barry prossit dead
The verdict came as no great shock
To those who knew the score
And behind that prison walls that night
There was an angry roar
But life goes on as normal
In all the british nicks
Cos after all what can you say
To men who carry sticks
Beat The Bastards
Slaves to the system theres no way out
Slaves to the system do you have a shout
Youve got to beat the bastards and beat em now
Sick of policies puting me down
Beat the bastards, beat them now
Beat the bastards, beat them now
Beat the bastards, beat them now
Just out of school dont have a clue
No income support for you
Cant get a job dont get a chance
Sick of politics leaving you out
Beat the bastards, beat them now
Beat the bastards, beat them now
Beat the bastards, beat them now
Money power and streight
Teenage kids with nowt to spend
Hungry homeless who gives a shit
Sick of policies leaving me out
Beat the bastards, beat them now
Beat the bastards, beat them now
Beat the bastards, beat them now
Blown Out Of The Sky
Tell us the truth
We got a right to know
Forty minutes into the air
Then came the final blow
Blown out of the sky
Blown out of the sky
270 victims of flight 103
A year has passed already
And they still withhold the facts from me
Blown out of the sky
Blown out of the sky
They knew two weeks before
That atrocity was planned
But all the people at the ambassady did
Was charge their own flight plans
Blown out of the sky
Blown out of the sky
31000 feets relaxing with a drink
How were they meant to know
That death was nearly theirs
A bamb was planned in the cargo hold
Put on by a person unknown
But the government will not admit
That they knew two months before
Boys In Blue
Police sirens break the air
They're on their way
Riots break out on the streets
Someone's got to pay
Why has it got to this
Why can't they realise
Someone's going to die
They're after you
Boys in blue
Boys in blue
Running after you
Police vans screech to halt
Out jump the law
Chasing youths down the street
Beat them with a stick
You resist they hit you more
What can you do
Dragged away into their van
So they can bully you
They're after you
Boys in blue
Boys in blue
Running after you
No one's left on the streets
Its quietened down
The problems still exist
Solutions must be found
Tension in the cities
It's running high
It's going to explode soon
You're all about to die
They're after you
Boys in blue
Boys in blue
Running after you
The government's not interested
They don't care at all
They think that jailing you
It's the problem solved
My time in prison i resent them more
Why cant they face the facts
That their policies are wrong
Computer's Don't Blunder
Nuclear missles raining from the sky
Innocent people destined to fry
Goodbye world hello space
This is where God greets us face to face
Computers don't blunder
I'm so troubled by what I see
In this so called democracy
Are you scared just like me
By the power of the military
Submarines beneath the sea
Probing, searching the enemy
Radar beacons sighted high
Plotting targets of those to die
Dangerous Visions
I thought I heard a woman crying Did she say her child was dying Thought I heard a building tumbling Was it a dream or dangerous visions I was sure I saw a bomb sometime falling Then I woke up I was calling Sure I saw a rescue mission Was it a dream or a final warning
One day the rivers stopped flowing Then one day the grass stopped growing All is night there is no warning Now you may laught and you may sneer Can't come true can't happen here Close your eyes pretend you're blind But what will you do when the end is near I wondered why the girl was crying Then I saw her parents dying Then I saw a rescue mission Was it a dream or a dangerous vision Did I see a bomb sometime falling Or did I hear the wounded calling All is darkness there was no warning Was it a dream or a dangerous vision Was it a dream of dangerous vision
Dead Cities
Im filed up with aggression
Want to smash your television
Saturday night you watch tv
Saturday night does nothing for me
Dead cities dead cities
Dead cities dead cities
See the man in the electric chair
They beat him up and shave his hair
There is no future to behold
In the city of dead you'll be there
Dead cities dead cities
Dead cities dead cities
Im getting wasted in this city
Those council houses are getting me down
Go up town see whos there
Theres nothing to do its getting me down
Dead cities dead cities
Dead cities dead cities
Snarling and gobbing and falling around
I really enjoy the freedom ive found
My mates besides me lying on the ground
His ears are bursting with the volume of sound
Death Before Dishonour
With the rising of the morning sun
We will remember them
At the going down of the evening sun
We shall remember them
Death before dishonour
Death before dishonour
Through ignorance and fear
Once a year we will bow our heads
A two minute silence for the military dead
Bugles blow and wreaths are lain
Marching columns with banners stained
Death before dishonour
Death before dishonour
Through ignorance and fear
Dog Soldier
Dog soldier
Big and strong
Dog soldier
Heavily armed
Dog soldier
Fully trained
Dog soldier
For money is the game
Kill kill kill
Dog soldier
Why you here
Dog soldier
You show no fear
Dog soldier
Kill or be killed
Dog soldier
Death draws near
Kill kill kill
Dog soldier
Covered in blood
Dog soldier
Villages burnt
Dog soldier
Fire fights won
Dog soldier
Another job done
Don'T Blame Me
They blame television they blame rave scene
Blame video nasties and computer games
Blame poverty parents consumer greed
Lack of education but dont blame me
Dont blame me
Dont blame me
Dont blame me
Blame it on the studens religion too
Blame garry adams and paisley too
Blame young offenders out of controll
Blame it on the army but we blame you
Dont blame me
Dont blame me
Dont blame me
Blame immigrations for the youre in
Blame religios cults who dont fit in
Blame the quees mother the nhs
Sick of all your bullshit we just cant win
Don't Forget The Chaos
See those missiles in the air Where did they come from No One cares What are they threre for What do they do They kill millions of people Like me and you
Death and destruction Anguish and tears Nuclear fallout And acid like rain Why do we have them What is their need The government said That they are there to keep peace See those missiles in the air Where did they come from No One cares What are they threre for What do they do They kill millions of people Like me and you
Don't Pay The Poll Tax
Its commin through your letter box
A sheet for you to fill in
You know you have to do it
Cause you know you just cant win
Dont pay the poll tax
Stick it up her arse
Maggie said community charge
You better watch out the governments at large
You dont fill it in f50 fine
So you better send it back in time
Dont pay the poll tax
Stick it up her arse
Fill in the sheet with all your fax
They screw you with their poll tax
Take from the poor give to the rich
Dosent that just make you sick
Dont pay the poll tax
Stick it up her arse
Politicians go here
Maggie thatcher flying there
All the unemployment cuts
Thats paying for their fares
Don't Really Care
Put you on a youth training scheme
A pittance for you to pay
Altering dole figures for their own means
While we slave away
They don't really care
If we speak out
We're anti uk
We're commies - lefties
Be locked away
Speak out in school
Get your knuckles rapped
Speak out in society
Your telephone tapped
They don't really care
Play along with the tory games
Happy as could be
Confused about who to vote for
Invest the s.d.p
They don't really care
Government say they have no money
But bye missiles by the score
Sick people die poor people starve
The government just don't care
Down Below
My ears are filled with a deafening roar A howling wind and the temperature soars The houses crack the city falls A deadly dust brings death to all
Adults and children wander through the streets They scream with pain with blistered feet You're all going to die a horrible death A living death that will eat your flesh As your eyes melt they drink champagne While your body burns they feel no pain You're all going to die for a government cause But why should we die for the chosen few
Drive Me Insane
They're trying to drive me
Drive me insane
They make my life so fucking mundane
Turn over a car
Turn over a flat
Uncaring rich bastards
Can only push me so far
They're driving
Me completely insane
They're driving
Us completely insane
No shame on their faces
No pity or care
They live on the riches
While the country stripped bare
Trident protects them
Their possossions not us
They tax all the people
They make you pay up
Me completely insane
They're driving
Us completely insane
File your life
From birth to death
Stuff their rules down your throat
They think they know best
You try to ignore them they wont go away
Step out of line
And they'll lock you away
Me completely insane
They're driving
Us completely insane
Drug Squad Man
Raided my house found my stash 2 grams of speed an ounce of hash I was taken away in a big blue van I was interrogated by the drug squad man THE DRUG SQUAD MAN BUSTED THE DRUG SQUAD MAN He asked me my name 10 times maybe more He asked the address from where I would score I wouldn't tell him so he kicked me in the head I was punched in the face til my blood ran red Busted by the drug squad man Taken to court on Monday morning By half past 2 I was in jail Sitting in my cell I was shattered That guy the sherriff wouldn't give me bail
Exploited Barmy Army
We're the exploited barmy army, don't threaten us
Don't mess, with the barmy army
Don't fight, with the barmy army
Don't stare, at the barmy army
Don't mess, with the barmy army
Don't mess, with the barmy army
Don't fight, with the barmy army
Don't stare, at the barmy army
Don't mess, with the barmy army
Eyes Of The Vulture
Death as seen through a vultures eyes
Four hundred feets above a sunlit sky
Dosen't have to kill to stay alive
Man the animal is it's provider
See the darkened lebanise skies
See the darkened
See the darkened
See the darkened lebanise skies
See the darkened lebanise skies
Vultures picks on those who died
Bloated bodies stench the air
While Israel soldiers stand and stare
See the darkened lebanise skies
See the darkened
See the darkened
See the darkened lebanise skies
Man the animal is it's provider
And it dosent give a damn why man kill man
And it never seeks no answers as long as there corpses
All suppiled by political gansters
See the darkened lebanise skies
See the darkened
See the darkened
See the darkened lebanise skies
False Hopes
They're out to kill the working class
That means you and me
Maggie knows she can go and stuff
Her non woking politics
False hopes, job creations
False hopes, job creations
False hopes, job creations
Affecting you and me
False hopes like job creations
Are there to keep you down
Straws in the wind for the working man
Create nowt but misery
False hopes, job creations
False hopes, job creations
False hopes, job creations
Affecting you and me
Columns of the living dead
No voices to hear their plight
Stumble on aimlessly every day
To a perpetual night
False hopes, job creations
False hopes, job creations
False hopes, job creations
Affecting you and me
The working man is dying
Now robots take his place
And soon it will be your turn
To be redundant from the human race
Fight Back
Rules are made to put you down
They laught at you when you are down
Can they survive if swapped around
Fight back dont give in
Spend your money on royal display
Shut your mouth go away
All that money thrown away
Its not fair on those who paid
Fight back dont give in
Mother steals to make ends meet
And i got busted selling speed
Got no future got no job
They wont admit they got it wrong
Forty Odd Years Ago
Mussolini was a fascist pig Hitler was no better Tojo was an imperialistic nip But Stalin managed to go one better
Chamberlain was our man of peace But was fooled by a piece of paper Churchill warned him long ago He vowed to halt Hitler's caper [repeat verses 1&2]
Fuck A Mod
Fuck a Mod
Fuck a Mod
Fuck a Mod today
How much fun it is to fuck a Mod until his dead
Kick him in the head
Beat him in the balls
Jump up on his head
How much fun it is to fuck a Mod until his dead
Kill a Mod
Kill a Mod
Kill a Mod today
How much fun it is to Fuck a Mod until his dead
Kick a Mod
Kick a Mod
Kick a Mod today...
Fuck Religion
People die over religion
Look at northern ireland
Kids are brought up on hatred
If thats religion i dont want it
Fuck religion full of shit
Fuck religion full of shit
Fuck religion full of shit
Jimmy bakker on tv
A lying fuck but people believe
Caught in a hotel with his trousers down
Saving sould for his fee
Fuck religion full of shit
Fuck religion full of shit
Fuck religion full of shit
Religion aint worth dying for
Who can prove god was a man
Can you prove that god was man
God Saved The Queen
Panic all hell breaks loose
A battered body screams abuse
A plastic bullet end his youth
A motherless son turns and pukes
Behind closed curtains
Terror stares
What are they doing prowling round our streets
Who are they looking for with bullets in their breech
Screaming sirens fills the air
Then turn off noweher there coppers everywhere
Behind closed curtains
Terror stares
God saved the queen with blanks from a gun
But who is our protector when provoced to run
We still don't know why they surround the streets
But now they've withdrawn in full retreat
Hitler's In The Charts Again
Listen to the sound of the soldiers dancing
Armageddon time on the firing line
Dont know what theyre doing
Looks like troundles brewing
Wunderbar auf weider zane
Hitlers in the charts again
You look like a tramp put you in a camp
Join the shower quenue in your dancing shoes
Be the dancing champ of your concentration camp
Keep on movin fast remember belsen was a gas
Hitlers in the charts again
Moving in trance watch the soldiers dance
Bloodstains on their feet scared of everyone you meet
Armys on the street can you feel the heat
Watch the soldiers fall it couldnt happen here
Horror Epics
Third world countries starved of nutrition. Look to the west to end their starvation. Skeleton framed figures of what was children. Real relief for the sickly
That's right turn the switch elsewhere on your telly Wasn't it disgusting to view such bloated bellies Writhing tortured bodies ant like on the ground That's right turn the volume button down Inhumanities free westerners still know exists Do nowt to help the underprivileged Action not words are needed to help But all they will say is that someone must pay Third world countries starved of nutrition Look to the west to end their starvation Skeleton framed figures of what was children Real relief for the sickly
I Hate You
Went to a party and caught you fucking my mate Went to a party caught you in bed with my mate
You told me that you loved me And I believed your lies But you gave my friend his first dose Then I knew it was a pack of lies I didn't think you could hurt me But I was such a fool My mates said you would never change But now I know you whore When I opened the bedroom door I couldn't believe my eyes You were giving head to my best friend You filthy whore
If You're Sad
Paranoia consumes my mind
Hearing footsteps from behind
Mr depression was his name
One more suicidal nut case fantasy
If youre sad hell take your brain
All he wants is to destroy you
You dont really understand me
Watch out terrorizing me
Feeling depressed now everyday
For the last three weeks of my life
Listen to the same bullshit everyday
Slowly torturing me driving me insane
If youre sad hell take your brain
All he wants is to destroy you
You dont really understand me
Watch out terrorizing me
Its a wonderfull world they tell you
Arsehole try some reality
Tears of depression that cover your face
You come across a lonelyman who looks in pain
I've been made an orphan
No family life have i
My parents were no soldiers
Yet they were killed before my eyes
Christians in a free world
Free from what we ask
Not from death or destruction
Cause we haven't learnt from the past
I've been made an orphan
No family life have i
My parents were no soldiers
Yet they were killed before my eyes
Burnt out houses petrol bombed
Down the street where i was born
Screams of terror haunts my mind
Where my mama went and died from a booby trap mine
Jesus Is Dead
Jesus, Jesus sleeping on your cross Fuck mankind you couldn't give a toss Nails thru your hands and in your feet Tourism is booming isn't business sweet JESUS IS DEAD NOBODY GIVES A TOSS [x2] Mary and Joseph watching TV All those riots and anarchy Switch off the telly go up to bed They couldn't give a toss that Jesus is dead What we really want to know is Was Jesus a Catholic or a Prodistant He's a Jew Pontius Pilot didn't he do well Sending Jesus into Hell But nevermind the money's coming in Being really rich from original sin
Thousands of people gathered on a beach
Some came to listen while others came to preach
They had to plan this meeting and keep it quite discrete
For the poles to survive they must pretend defeat
To help you rid those scums
Kidology, perfect it to an art
Kidology, keep them in the dark
Grow you must in silence
Your strenght will overcome
There's others on the outside
To help you rid those scums
Kidology, perfect it to an art
Kidology, keep them in the dark
Law And Order
Friday night out with my mates Speeding out of my head chatting up some birds Then this guy started to pick a fight So he got a bottle across his face
The cops appear out of the blue Taken to the cells handcuffed in twos Friendly faces there are none A naked cell light replaces the sun The SPG are after you You'll never outrun the boys in blue They're really brave when they've got you in a cell If you see them first you better run My mind and body turning stale Wasting time in this slimehouse jail Bars on the window locks on the door Concrete ceiling reinforced doors Friday night out with my mates Speeding out of my head chatting up some birds Then this guy started to pick a fight So he got a bottle across his face
Law For The Rich
Fuck with you fuck with me
They thing we fade away
Tory law nazi law its just the fucking same
Theres a law for the rich
A law for people like you and me
Theres a law for the rich
A law for people like you and me
Fuck the criminal justice bill
Shove it up your ass
Crimes on the increase
They blame the working class
Theres a law for the rich
A law for people like you and me
Theres a law for the rich
A law for people like you and me
Corruption in the government
Corruption in the crown
No justice in a system
Thats there to put you down
Lets Start A War
Lets start a war said maggie one day
With the unemployed masses we'll just do away
They won't mind, like sheep they'll go
They won't suss us, they'll never know
Lets start a war said maggie one day
Lets start a war said maggie one day
Lets start a war said maggie one day
You fight for your country
You die for their gain
Death and destruction all around
Shops and houses are razed to the ground
Burnt out houses empty shells
Here on earth it's just a mortal hell
Lets start a war said maggie one day
Lets start a war said maggie one day
Lets start a war said maggie one day
You fight for your country
You die for their gain
How they died no one will ever know
They said they would save us as deterrents they would be used
Except they brought destruction to an earth grows no food
No we are gone forever no tombs can hold your names
Lets start a war said maggie one day
Lets start a war said maggie one day
Lets start a war said maggie one day
You fight for your country
You die for their gain
Twenty five quid to live on Seven days a week to survive Five and twenty pictures of the queen You won't see the starvation in her eyes Twenty five quid to dish out And you're already ten in debt So with fifteen singles left over The landlord gets the rent
Twenty five reasons for trouble Three million mouths to feed They're destroying your mind and body While they increase their own needs Twenty five quid of insult Two meals soon kills your health They want to see you suffer They want to see you dead [repeat verses 1&2]
Massacre Of Innocents
No family left all dead and gone
A world of destruction is all you come to know
Its a dying crying poverty show
No reason to change the money men say
Massacre of innocents
People just struggle to stay alive
In the city of chaos someones gonna die
Children of the war zone
Playing in the snow
Massacre of innocents
A single bloody act of terror
Shattered war torn sarajevo tonight
Claimed the life of innocent children
Massacre of innocents
take a look down from above
Corruption destruction
The american way
My Life
Let me live my life my way Living it from day to day I'll do the things that I want to do It's up to me not up to you
Don't try to tell me what to wear How to dress or have my hair I'll never listen to what you say I'll never sell out there is no way You say it's only a passing phase The craze for teenage nowadays It may only be a fashion to some But we'll be here for years to come Sex and drinks and lots of drugs Passes the time when you're on the dole There's nowt to do so you start your own band And tour this god forsaken land
No Forgiveness
His father was tortured
Right in front of his eyes
His mother was raped
She was left to die
He sworn to get even
Even if he had to die himself
He knew the law was going to get him
No forgiveness
Tonight they're all going to die
Burning hatred clouds his mind
The look on his face was cold and grey
A burning venegance what drives him on
I pitty those about to die tonight
No forgiveness
Tonight they're all going to die
He stands near the spot
Where his parents died
2 years now gone since the tragic day
He remembers the priest asking forgiveness
They'll never take him back alive
No More Idols
No more idols no tine gods Defy their corruption and spike their cogs Rid your head of promised dreams Banish all their fiendish schemes
Wicked tongues still spew out lies We never learn although we try Brainwashed fools not quite dead Dig their graves no tears are shed The world is filled with poisoned minds Plotters for power over all mankind Hitler wasn't the first angel of greed It was Adam and Eve who craved more than their needs Fools are born everyday They'll keep you like that if you let them have their way No more idols no tin gods Defy their corruption and spike their cogs
Now I'm Dead
Seen the ad on my tv set
Join the army be a man
Join the army learn new skills
Learn to kill and maim your friends
Now i'm dead
And nobody cares
It's part of the job
British soldier on tour of ulster
Who's the enemy who's the foe
Sent to the falklands
It's miles away
I didn't really want to go
Now i'm dead
And nobody cares
It's part of the job
On the news
In my living room
Soldier killed by the ira
It happens so often now
That people just don't even care
Police Informer
Don't tell him where you've been
And don't tell him who you've seen
You'll end up locked away
Cos he'll call the cops
Tell them what he seen
Police informer
Police informer
Police informer
You'll end up dead
Don't tell him what you've got
And don't talk about your mates
Cos he'll grass them up as well
Got to fix him before its too late
Police informer
Police informer
Police informer
You'll end up dead
Police Shit
Police lie on oath
It happens all the time
15 years for the guildford four
Innocent people sent them off to jail
You could be next
Cant trust the police at all
Can't trust the police at all
Police shit
Walking down the high street
With a friend of mine
Got stopped by the police
They asked us where we're from
I wouldn't tell him
Told him to go and get stuffed
He radioed for backup
Then they locked us up
Police TV
Do you live in a tv nation
Cameras focused on street situation
Walk the street they see what you do
Police tv folowing you
Police tv
Watching you
Police tv
Categorising you
Police tv is watching you
Police tv with their video crew
Cameras lie as they focus in
Youll never know cus you can get in
Police tv
Watching you
Police tv
Categorising you
Put up cameras everyday
What next will they take away
Maybe your voice maybe your mind
Tv stations invading your lives
Left this country in a mess No one is guilty they're innocent of theft Stabbed us in the back and stole our pride They put you on the dole que they took you for a ride I HATE YOU HATE WE ALL HATE POLITICIANS Financed murder from the tax you paid They never listened to a word you said Left us in poverty they left us in pain The govt. are wankers and Maggie's insane Now is the time to stand up for your rights Unemployed unite and get ready for the fight The army the police - politicians too When they see you coming in they just won't have a clue
Porno Slut
I watch you on my tv screen
My mind's in overdrive
You're beeing whiped, your arse is red
Being suspended by your breasts
I love you, I love you
My little porno slut
I love the smell of leather
You're my mistress of the night
I really want to own you
You body soul and mind
I love you, I love you
My little porno slut
Nipple clamps bite your skin
But your pain turns me on
Pubes are shaved
Your cunt is pierced
But it's your face i love the most
I love you, I love you
My little porno slut
Lying on your bed
Legs spred wide
Dildo in between your legs
Now she makes you beg
Power Struggle
Missiles in america
Deep down in the ground
They're pointing straight at russia
They're pointing all around
A small red button gently pressed
Will set those missiles free
And when they land with one big bang
The end of you and me
America leaders - who'll start the war
Soviet leaders - who'll start the war
Theres missiles in the u.s.s.r
Pointing straight at you
Aimed at the united states of america
Aimed at britain too
A small red button gently pressed
Will set those missiles free
And when they land with one big bang
No hope for you and me
America leaders - who'll start the war
Soviet leaders - who'll start the war
American leaders
Who'll start the war
Who'll be a cowboy
What's the missiles for
Privacy Invasion
You're led to think we're free, a democratic race Told of equal rights well that's just not the case It couldn't happen to a democratic nation Afraid we've got it now a privacy invasion Afghanistan's the last time, Poland's next in line Lock you in a prison throw you in a mine Argentina last year 2000 people dead 1986 invasion of the head A PRIVACY INVASION It's good to know you're thought of, it's good someone should care It's good to know you're trusted but not to know they're there Too late to shut your curtains they've caught you unaware They're not at your window man, they're sitting in your chair A privacy invasion of the head
Pulling You Down
10 times the man
But no time to prove
That in a grasping society
You can be of use
They're pulling you down
No-one to talk to
No-one seems to care
Theres an easy way out
But you just don't know
If you dare
They're pulling you down
The bedsits expensive
The moneys not enough
Leisure times available
But even leisure cost
They're pulling you down
The job you had is gone now
The man next door the same
All pathetic victims
Of the government high
Power games
They're pulling you down
So listen to the crisis
The schemes that just don't work
To keep the people blind folded
They keep the workless down
They're pulling you down
Punk's Not Dead
Said so near the punk is dead
Here was you a modern tend.(of tendention)
Don't let it losing don't any worse
and all cruise up tha the punk is dead
Punk's not dead i know [x4]
We're all punks and we don't care
That was price to dye our hair
Blow the trapist in your face
with about tone of noise
It acsros to any law
We all here use just to walk around
Don't like ???chie till the ground
Rival Leaders
The countdown has started to go
Computers are locked on their foes
The president is on his way
Down to live another day
Here we go
The fail safety mechanism is off
The baby lies sleeping in its cot
The mother reads her magazine
Her son's in the kitchen eating ice cream
Here we go
The 4 minutes warning starts to go
Soon you'll be dead you'll never know
It's started to lift off its pad
It's on its way isn't that sad
Here we go
The countdown has started to go
Computers are locked on their foes
Thatcher is on her way
Down to the bunker for another day
Safe Below
They said they would prevent a war
To stop the sufferings for ever more
No wars to fight no blood to shed
But they were lying we'll soon be dead
And now you're as good as dead
And now you're as good as dead
The button is pushed its all begun
Those alive there soon be none
In the distance a yellow sun
And still we pray for death to come
And now you're as good as dead
And now you're as good as dead
The troops are out there on patrol
Passing burnt lumps as they go
My clothes are in shreds i can barely see
Whilst all around is dead and disease
And now you're as good as dead
And now you're as good as dead
I picture maggie in my mind
Safe below she's feeling fine
She has no burns no torn off limbs
She sits on her arse and play silly games
And now you're as good as dead
And now you're as good as dead
Scaling The Derry Wall
Careless people shot
Innocent people killed
Little children injured
Blood and brain spilled
Scalling the derry wall
No conscience for those involved
Freedom their only call
Hiding behind black masks
Scaling the derry wall
Scaling the derry wall
One way communications
Nobody really cares
Of the soldiers who stand their guard
Protecting while they dare
Scaling the derry wall
All mothers sons they volunteer
Unaware of their destiny
Serving for their government
Across the irish sea
Scaling the derry wall
Serving an argument
Created long ago
Who it benefits and who it kills
Nobody wants to know
Scaling the derry wall
So if you sign up for a career
And play the governments farce
Take your gun and tell them
Stick it up your arse
Sea Of Blood
What have you been doing for so long
Your all talk you dont know what to say
No ones got a solution now
Madness in a world today
Washed away in the sea of blood
Murder is the name of the game now
You can kill with just one shot
Psycho is my occupation
Murder is my only thought
Washed away in the sea of blood
Our life is one now of darkness
Day by day life flash away
No one gets any justice now
Victims in a sea of blood
Washed away in the sea of blood
Serial Killer
Your child is dead and gone now
You blame yourself your child is gone now
Murder aggression sexual perversion
You dont give a fuck about the childern that you fucked
Watch out serial killer going to get you
Watch out serial killer going to get you
Sex And Violence
sex and violence sex and violence sex and violence...
Should We, Can't We
Guns go off around my head
As i fall over the fallen dead
Cordite fumes that sting my eyes
The infantry's always the first to die
Who is right, who is wrong
Should we, cant we ban all bombs
Who is right, who is wrong
Should we, cant we ban all bombs
The infanrty's always the first to die
Trained to kill but never told why
No farewells in the field of goodbyes
Soldiers die and civilian cries
Who is right, who is wrong
Should we, cant we ban all bombs
Who is right, who is wrong
Should we, cant we ban all bombs
Will we be the first to try
Can we trust them not to lie
Sick Bastards
The girl was screaming
Go leave me alone
She was only 5 years old
She had done no wrong
Her mother had told her not to talk to men
She'd ignore her advice
Never seen again
Sick bastards
Sick bastards
80 year old woman
Lying in her bed
Someone crept into her room
Left her for dead
He slashed her face
He broke her arm
Now in intensive care
Lying nearly dead
Sick bastards
Sick bastards
Why does he do it
Is he insane
Just what's going on
Inside his tiny brain
Is he sick! Does he know what he's done
One day they'll catch him
Then we will see him burn
Bushell said that punk was dead
He's two faced he's off his head
Jerry Harris is a toss
Whitout them both there'll be no loss
Stop The Slaughter
An hour ago you heard kids laugh
Now there's silence
Why they died was obscene
No justified cause
Stop the slaughter
Stop it now
Sudden death horrific injuries
Killed by cowards
Another bomb another cause
Brother fights brother
Stop the slaughter
Stop it now
When will they learn
That planting bombs
Will get them nowhere
Everyone has a right to live without fear
The Massacre
Heavy street fighting
Been going on for days
Makeshift graves outside city limits
Filled with bodies of slaughtered people
Men women childeren all dead
The massacre - why
The massacre - why
Eight month foetus
Sticking on a bayonet
Mother's just a piece of dead meat
The massacre - why
The massacre - why
You murdered me with rope
You murdered me with guns too
You massacred whole families
And laughed throughout their pain
The Systems Fucked Up
6 arrests and nobody cares
16 years later the people prepare
The verdict returned set them free
The dirty pig bastards did the same to me
Cover up cover up
Corruption corruption
The systems fucked up
Pigs gain promotions they do all the time
Hand shakes retirement their sentence for the crime
Their crime should be the same as mine
They should do the same fucking time
Cover up cover up
Corruption corruption
The systems fucked up
People locked up all the time
For a crime they didnt do
A cover up what is new
Corruption youve been screwed
They Lie
Kids on the street with fuck all to eat
Kids are starving today
Kids on the street are trying to survive
The government continue to lie lie lie
They lie lie lie lie
They lie to you
Hospitals shut down all over the country
People suffer each day
Hospital trusts more tory fuck ups
You and me suffer each day
They lie lie lie lie
They lie to you
One great nation but now its a shit house
The tories have done it again
A ub40 nothing to aim for
The government lying again
They lie lie lie lie
They lie to you
Homeless kids lying in doorways
Through no fault of their own
The faults in the system
But major wont change it
The government continue to lie
Treat You Like Shit
Monday morning you've got to sign on Down the dole the queue is long Just like zombies you wait your turn The more you declare the less you get
Join the army and end up dead Join the navy travel far Be a cop and grass your mates Looking for a job is just a farce Looking for a job but they treat you like shit [x4] You giro hasn't come surprise surprise Walking in the rain to the dole you go They'll keep you all morning so have a seat They will give you a shout when they have finished [repat verses 1&2]
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