Mike Oldfield - Man On The Rocks Mike Oldfield - Man On The Rocks | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: Mike Oldfield *** Autor hudby: Mike Oldfield |
So you Ccome to my world, I can Dmshow youF
Where they Clead to the footprints in the Bsand.
On the Cpaths through the valleys and DmcanyonsF,
To the Cveins in your arm, take my Bhand.
I’m the Dmman on the Amrocks on the Ebisland.
The black pearl, the Bfool on the Fhill.
I’m the Fgold at the Amend of the Ebrainbow.
If I ask you to Bfollow, you will.
So you Ccome to my world to find DmfreedomF.
Give you Cwings to the stars, you can Bfly.
Bring you Chope and a dream to believe DminF
As you Cfloat through the dark, crimson Bsky.
I’m the Dmman on the Amrocks on the Ebisland,
The jewel in the Bcrown of the Fking.
I’m the Fhope in the Amhearts of the Ebhelpless,
The choir where Bno-one will Csing.
There’s a Ftrail out of the Ccanyon,
There’s a new Blife waiting out Cthere!
It’ll take you Fhome, out of this Cchasm,
Where there’s Bblue sky sunlight to Cshare.
So you Fcome to my world to Gmescape it allB,
And you’re Frunning from the dragons and the Ebfools!
Through the Fdark, empty caverns deep Gmin your soulB,
Chasing the tiger, the Ebjewels.
I’m the the Gmman on the Dmrocks on the Abisland.
I’m the beggar, the Ebloser, the Bcheat!
So now you Bcome to the Dmgates for AbDmredemption,
With a ball and Ebchain at your Ffeet.
There’s a Btrail out of the Fcanyon,
There’s a new Eblife waiting out Fthere!
It’ll take you Bhome, out of this Fchasm,
Where there’s Ebblue sky, sunlight to Fshare!
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