

U2 - Miracle Drug - Oprava U2 - Miracle Drug - Oprava | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: U2 *** Autor hudby: U2 |
Týmto chcem opraviť a pripomenuť p. Jakubovi Bezděkovi, že rozloženie akordov je veľmi dôležite, pretože menej skúsení hudobníci s tým majú problém. Tak ich takéto pesničky začnú odpudzovať alebo začnú vyhľadávať iné stránky, kde to nájdu zrozumitenejšie. Prosím aj ostatných, aby sa snažili rozložiť akordy tak, ako sú rozložené v pesničke. Ďakujem
Intro: D, A, Hmi, G
Verse I:
DI want to Atrip inside your Hmihead
Spend the Gday there
DTo hear the Athings you haven't Hmisaid
And see what Gyou might see
Verse II:
DI want to Ahear you when you Hmicall
Do you feel Ganything at all
DI want to Asee your thoughts take Hmishape
And Gwalk right out
GFreedom has a Ascent
Like the Dtop of a new born Emibaby's head
GThe songs are in your Aeyes
DI see them when you Emismile
GI've seen enough, I'm not Agiving up
On a Hmimiracle Gdrug
Verse III:
DOf science Aand the human Hmiheart
There is no Glimit
DThere is no Afailure here sweetHmiheart
Just when Gyou quit
DI am Ayou and you are Hmimine
Love makes nonGsense of space
And Gtime will Adisappear
DLove and logic Emikeep us clear
GReason is Aon our side, DloveEmi
GThe songs are in your Aeyes
I Dsee them when you Emismile
I've Ghad enough of Aromantic love
I'd Dgive it up, yeah, I'd Emigive it up
For a GmiracleA, a miracle drug
Oh HmiGod, I Aneed your Ghelp tonight
GBeneath the noise
ABelow the din
DI hear a voice
It's Emiwhispering
GIn science and in Amedicine
I Dwas a stranger
EmiYou took me in
The Gsongs are in your Aeyes
I Dsee them when you Emismile
GI've had enough of Aromantic love
I'd Hmigive it up, yeah, I'd Emigive it up
For a GmiracleA, a Hmimiracle Emidrug
GMiracleA, Hmimiracle Emidrug
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