

Nofx - Vanilla Sex Nofx - Vanilla Sex | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
C,D,C,D,Am 2x
CDon't ever Dtake Caway from Dme my porAmnography
CObviousDly we Cdon't agDree on what's Amobscene
CI have the Dright to Cchoose Dwhat I want to Amsee and read
®: FDon't even try to Gtake away from
Eme my right to Amprivacy because
Fwhat I do is Gno one business but meC
C,D,C,D,Am 2x
So Cstay in your Dmissionary posiCtion I Dhope that you got Ambored to death
CThere's no Dway I'm Cgoing through Dlife having vaAmnilla sex
®: FThe governments trying to get Ginto your bedroom
better Elock your door and Amclose you shades because
Fthere could be someone Gwatching you today C
C,D,C,D,Am 4x - solo
®: F Why do we try to make G things illegal?
EWhy do we have to be Am21?
FSome are afraid that Gpeople are having
Etoo much Amfun .
FWhy do you care what I Gdo in my bedroom?
EWhy do you want to know Amhow I screw?
FIt seems to me you've got Gnothing better to do.C
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