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Grammy: Zemřela zpěvačka Cissy Houston, matka Whitney Houston a držitelka dvou Grammy - Ve věku 91 let zemřela americká zpěvačka Cissy Houston, matka popové hvězdy Whitne... - idnes.cz | 

Whitney Houston: Zemřela soulová zpěvačka a maminka Whitney Houston: Cissy přežila svou dceru o 12 let - Ve věku úctyhodných jednadevadesáti let zemřela americká soulová zpěvačka Cissy ... - extra.cz | 

Grammy: Hudobný svet zasiahla smutná správa: Zomrela držiteľka Grammy a matka Whitney Houston! - NEW JERSEY - Vo veku 91 rokov zomrela americká speváÄka Cissy Houston, matka pop... - bleskovky.sk | 

Whitney Houston: Zemřela zpěvačka Cissy Houston, matka Whitney Houston - Cissy Houston, americká soulová zpěvačka, zemřela ve věku 91 let. Jako doprovodná ... - IREPORT | 

Grammy: Vo veku 91 rokov zomrela legendárna speváčka Cissy Houston - Dvojnásobná držiteľka ceny Grammy bola matkou Whitney Houston.... - sme.sk | 

Whitney Houston: Spevácka ikona Whitney Houston by mala 60 rokov - Americká popová legenda Whitney Houston bola na vrchole svojej kariéry v 80. a 90. rok... - zoznam.sk | 

Whitney Houston: Vyjde nové album od Whitney Houston. Kompilace 'I Go To The Rock' bude plná gospelu - Whitney Houston patří k nejúspěšnějším umělkyním všech dob, a přestože před... - musicserver.cz | 

Grammy: Vyjde nová deska Whitney Houston, doprovázet ji bude dokument - V sobotu 11. února uplyne přesně 11 let od úmrtí slavné zpěvačky Whitney Houston.... - idnes.cz | 

Celine Dion: Magazín Rolling Stones nezaradil Céline Dion do zoznamu 200 najlepších spevákov sveta. Fanúšikovia sa búria - Na prvom mieste sa umiestnila Aretha Franklin, druhé miesto obsadila Whitney Houston. Me... - Refresher.sk | 

Celine Dion: Magazín Rolling Stone nezaradil Céline Dion do zoznamu 200 najlepších spevákov sveta. Fanúšikovia sa búria - Na prvom mieste sa umiestnila Aretha Franklin, druhé miesto obsadila Whitney Houston. Me... - Refresher.sk | 

Whitney Houston - Never Give Up Whitney Houston - Never Give Up | | Till you get it right, tell 'em you will never quit
Tell 'em you will never quit until they day you get it right,
Till you get it right, hold your hand to the sky
Look 'em right in the eye, tell 'em you will never quit
Until the day you get it right
Till you get it right
Tell 'em you will never quit, until the day you get it right
Till you get it right, hold your hand to the sky
Look 'em right in the eye, tell 'em you will never quit
Until the day you get it right
Single mother, two jobs, workin' her fingers to the bone
Putting her daughters mouth before her own
She's gotta do it, but she's still feeling
Like there's something deep inside that she can't leave behind
She won't let go of it, no matter how many times
She hears it over with, it's all fixed in her mind
That it's gonna get better and she won't ever
Hang her head again, break a sweat again, never again
Never, never give up, never, never give up,
No matter how many times, somebody tells you it ain't working
Never, never give up, never, never give up,
Hold your head tot he sky, look them right in the eyes
Tell you will never quit until the day you get it right
Never, never give up, never, never give up,
Even though some days you'll have to cry,
Shake it off and know that everything will be alright
As long as you never, never give up, never, never give up.
College student, paying her own way,
Working the club at night
Look what she go through, to stay in law school
So maybe one day, she can make her way in a man's world
And never be called just another girl
It ain't nothing like a dream you can't see
Even when the people round you don't believe
But in the twelfth round, when you're against the ropes,
Here comes your last minute miracle,
You've got to know to
The sky is the limit, for whatever you want to do
Don't let anyone tell you, it ain't possible
No matter how low you feel, keep going higher, higher
See I've been holding on, to my dreams too long
To watch it get away from me,
This hand is mine to win, and I promise you that
I'll never, never give up
[Chorus: x2]
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