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Black Veil Brides: AUDIO: Black Veil Brides a Ville Valo se sešli u povedeného coveru 'Temple of Love' od Sisters of Mercy - Sisters of Mercy je kapela, která proslula (nejen mezi goths) skladbou "Temple of Love".... - musicserver.cz | 

Sisters Of Mercy: FOTOGALERIE: The Sisters of Mercy v Lucerna Music Baru hráli s diváky na schovávanou - Ten, kdo ve čtvrtek navštívil Lucerna Music Bar a koncert The Sisters of Mercy, mohl, ... - musicserver.cz | 

Black Veil Brides: BLACK VEIL BRIDES a Ville Valo se společně chopili coveru klasiky od SISTERS OF MERCY - Američtí rockeři se spojili s bývalým hlasem HIM, který nyní vystupuje pod hlavič... - spark | 

Celine Dion: Zemřel Jim Steinman, muž, který stvořil zpěváka Meat Loafa - "I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)" Meat Loafa, "Total Eclipse of the Heart"... - musicserver.cz | 

Sisters Of Mercy: THE SISTERS OF MERCY, LOSERS - Praha, Divadlo Archa - 17. května 2014 - metalopolis.net | 

Sisters Of Mercy: Milosrdní The Sisters of Mercy léčili uši | 

Sisters Of Mercy: Matný odlesk Milosrdných sester - novinky.cz | 

Sisters Of Mercy: Temní rockeři The Sisters of Mercy dorazí popáté do Česka - IREPORT | 

Kreator: Novinky ze Sonisphere: Sisters of Mercy, Kreator, Loaded, soutěž kapel a levnější lístky - muzikus.cz | 

Kreator: Na Sonisphere míří i The Sisters of Mercy, Kreator a Duff McKagan - ceskenoviny.cz | 

Sisters Of Mercy - This Corrosion Sisters Of Mercy - This Corrosion | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Gimme the DmiRing, kissed and toll'd gimme Gsomething that I Fmissed
Dmi (Gimme the ring)
A hand to hold, Gwild and what it Fseems (Gimme the ring)
DmiKill the king, when love is the law, Gand then we'll turn Fround...
Dmi (Gimme the ring)
Gimme dream child and Gdo you hear me Fcall?
DmiOn the loan and on the level G still on the Ffloor
DmiSing dream child and Gdo you hear at Fall?
®:Dmi, Ami, A#, Ami, G, A#, D
GHey now, Fhey now now, C sing This Corrosion to me GHey now, Fhey
now now, C sing This Corrosion to me
GHey now, Fhey now now, C sing This Corrosion to me GHey now, Fhey
now now, C SING...
Gimme Dmisiren, child and do you hear me? G, F Gimme Dmisiren,
child, and do you hear me caGll? F
DmiSing, child, of right and wrong G gimme things that Fdon't last
Gimme Dmisiren, child, and do you hear me caGll? F
On Dmidays like this GIn times like Fthese Dmi I feel an animal
Gdeep insFide
DmiHeel to haunch on bended knees GLiving on if and Fif I tried,
SomeDmibody send me ...G, F please... Dmi Dream wars and a ticket to seem
G Giving Fout and in
DmiSelling the don't belong G, F, Dmi
Well, what do you say GDo you have a word for FGiving Away? Dmi Got a
song for Gme? F
I got Dminothing to say I ain't said before, I Gbled all I can, i won't
Fbleed no more
I don't Dmineed no one to understand why the Gblood run hold, The
Fhighered hand
On Dmiheart... hand of God... GFloodland and FDriven Apart
Run Dmicold... Turn... GCold... FBurn...
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