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Limp Bizkit: Fred Durst z LIMP BIZKIT žaluje vydavatelství kvůli desítkám milionů nevyplacených honorářů - Frontman LIMP BIZKIT Fred Durst podal žalobu na nahrávací společnost Universal Music ... - spark | 

Limp Bizkit: Fred Durst se bude soudit o 200 milionů dolarů - Fred Durst, zpěvák americké rockové kapely Limp Bizkit, neměl k rázným krokům i... - rockandpop.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: LIMP BIZKIT si ze sebe zase dělají prdel, tentokrát s použitím genAI - Tři roky po jeho vydání připomínají LIMP BIZKIT album „Still Sucks“ videoklipem... - spark | 

Diiv: VIDEO: DIIV si do klipu k Brown Paper Bag pozvali Freda Dursta z Limp Bizkit - Jak už od nás možná víte, chystají DIIV na 24. května desku Frog In Boiling Water.... - musicserver.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: FOTOGALERIE: Limp Bizkit zahráli v Praze - Velikáni nu-metalu se po letech vrátili do Česka. Beznadějně vyprodané Forum Karlí... - musicserver.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: NAžIVO: Limp Bizkit vrátili Forum Karlín do devadesátek - Po několika odkladech se do České republiky konečně vrátili nu-metaloví matadoři ... - musicserver.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: Limp Bizkit už o dva týždne zbúrajú Prahu. Pred návratom do Európy sa v klipe zmenili na Putina, Bidena aj Zelenského - Jedna z najvýraznejších kapiel nu metalu sa 3. apríla predstaví fanúšikom v pražs... - zoznam.sk | 

Limp Bizkit: VIDEO: Zelenskyj, Biden i Putin si zahráli v klipu Limp Bizkit 'Out Of Style' - Jak by to vypadalo, kdyby si světoví lídři Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, Volodymyr Zelen... - musicserver.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: Fred Putin, Wes Biden a DJ Zelenskyj – LIMP BIZKIT natočili nejvtipnější klip roku - Aktuální album LIMP BIZKIT „Still Sucks“ je venku od podzimu 2021, kapela ho však ... - spark | 

Elton John: Vedel si, že Elton John hral na Tyršáku, Limp Bizkit v Seredi či The Offspring v Terchovej? Tieto koncerty sa už nezopakujú - Poď sa s nami zviesť na vlne nostalgie a pripomeň si legendárne slovenské koncerty s... - Refresher.sk | 

Limp Bizkit - The Story Limp Bizkit - The Story | | [Verse 1]
Just live and let die
Check, check, check, comon
If you could take a minute of your life
A certain minute when you feel the lightning strike
Danger is the only level of that moment
But it's your moment and you know you'll fucking own it.
Glorified in the grace by your victory
When your done, you escape without memory
Blindfolded through this life as we learn
And consequences when the wrong pages turn
It's an E! true hollywood story
Take a man down with his own glory
Now guess who's next
[Verse 2]
At some point we come down from the highs
It's no big deal we move on with our lives
And some of us let the last color cries
Do the math, you can laugh when I die
If life is just a fantasy life then could you
Live this fantasy life for soemthing would you
Just remember that the doors are not closable
And the mother fucking heroes are disposable
[Chorus 2x]
It's an E! true hollywood story
Take a man down with his own glory
Now guess who's next
Just live and let die
just live an let
just live and let
just live and let die
Just live and let die
just live an let
just live and let
so what about the hardcore that ain't hard anymore
or the shit talkers who ain't shit anymore
or the old fighters that can't fight anymore
or the white kid's who ain't white any more
or the actors that don't act anymore
or the rappers that don't rap anymore
or the hipsters that don't hip anymore
or the limpsters that don't limip anymore
Just live and let die
just live an let
just live and let
just live and let die
Just live and let die
just live an let
just live and let
[Refrain 2]
but no
it's impossible
just to live your live your life
and let us die
oh mother fuck that
you wanna talk about some shit
let's talk about
[Bridge 2]
the hardcore that ain't hard anymore
or the shit talkers who ain't shit anymore
or the old fighters that can't fight anymore
or the white kid's who ain't white any more
or the actors that can't act anymore
or the rappers that can't rap anymore
or the hipsters that can't hip anymore
or the limpsters that can't limp anymore
[Chorus 2x]
It's an E! true hollywood story
Take a man down with his own glory
Now guess who's next
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