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Limp Bizkit: Fred Durst z LIMP BIZKIT žaluje vydavatelství kvůli desítkám milionů nevyplacených honorářů - Frontman LIMP BIZKIT Fred Durst podal žalobu na nahrávací společnost Universal Music ... - spark | 

Limp Bizkit: Fred Durst se bude soudit o 200 milionů dolarů - Fred Durst, zpěvák americké rockové kapely Limp Bizkit, neměl k rázným krokům i... - rockandpop.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: LIMP BIZKIT si ze sebe zase dělají prdel, tentokrát s použitím genAI - Tři roky po jeho vydání připomínají LIMP BIZKIT album „Still Sucks“ videoklipem... - spark | 

Diiv: VIDEO: DIIV si do klipu k Brown Paper Bag pozvali Freda Dursta z Limp Bizkit - Jak už od nás možná víte, chystají DIIV na 24. května desku Frog In Boiling Water.... - musicserver.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: FOTOGALERIE: Limp Bizkit zahráli v Praze - Velikáni nu-metalu se po letech vrátili do Česka. Beznadějně vyprodané Forum Karlí... - musicserver.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: NAžIVO: Limp Bizkit vrátili Forum Karlín do devadesátek - Po několika odkladech se do České republiky konečně vrátili nu-metaloví matadoři ... - musicserver.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: Limp Bizkit už o dva týždne zbúrajú Prahu. Pred návratom do Európy sa v klipe zmenili na Putina, Bidena aj Zelenského - Jedna z najvýraznejších kapiel nu metalu sa 3. apríla predstaví fanúšikom v pražs... - zoznam.sk | 

Limp Bizkit: VIDEO: Zelenskyj, Biden i Putin si zahráli v klipu Limp Bizkit 'Out Of Style' - Jak by to vypadalo, kdyby si světoví lídři Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, Volodymyr Zelen... - musicserver.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: Fred Putin, Wes Biden a DJ Zelenskyj – LIMP BIZKIT natočili nejvtipnější klip roku - Aktuální album LIMP BIZKIT „Still Sucks“ je venku od podzimu 2021, kapela ho však ... - spark | 

Elton John: Vedel si, že Elton John hral na Tyršáku, Limp Bizkit v Seredi či The Offspring v Terchovej? Tieto koncerty sa už nezopakujú - Poď sa s nami zviesť na vlne nostalgie a pripomeň si legendárne slovenské koncerty s... - Refresher.sk | 

Limp Bizkit - Crushed Limp Bizkit - Crushed | | It's limp bizkit
And this is how we learn
You can't talk to me
You're not supposed be, in my face
So get the fuck outta my face
Why you insist?
You gotta talk that shit,
You gotta keep that dog-ass breath
All up in my face
But I remember when,
you would never lie to a friend
cause you were so high,
you were so shy,
you were so fucked up anyway
life keeps on tickin'
tickin' tickin' into the future
cause this is how we learn
somebody better stop me
or at least stop this beat
before we start getting outta hand
cause this is how we learn
and this is how we burn
somebody better stop me
or at least stop this beat
before we start getting outta hand
cause this is how we learn
and this is how we burn
you can't erase me,
I'm alive as I can be, in your face
So get the fuck outta my face
Why you insist?
just gotta turn out like this,
you're gonna burn out like this all up in my face
but I remember how
you said you want it all and you want it now
cause you were so young,
you were so dumb
you were so fucked up anyway
life keeps on tickin'
tickin' tickin' into the future
cause this is how we learn
somebody better stop me
or at least stop this beat
before we start getting outta hand
cause this is how we learn
and this is how we burn
somebody better stop me
or at least stop this beat
before we start getting outta hand
cause this is how we learn
and this is how we burn
think about it (think about it),
Think about it (think about it)
Oh my (oh my), where you at (where you at)?
I know you feelin' it baby (feelin' it baby)
I know you feelin' that (feelin' that)
Freak baby, freak freak baby (baby)
Freak baby, freak freak baby (baby)
And this is how it should be done (be done)
And this is how it should be done (be done)
Cause my styyyyyyyyyyyyle is identical to none
(Identical to none)
outta here (outta here)
I'm getting' the hell outta here (hell outta here)
Limp bizkit style (limp bizkit style)
Hey lethal wait up ( hey lethal wait up)
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