Jan Janis - At Seventeen Jan Janis - At Seventeen | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
I Clearned the truth at seventeen_ That Dmlove was meant for beauty queens
and G7high school girls with clear skinned smiles who Cmarried young and then retired
The Cvalentines I never knew, the Dmfriday nights, charades of youth
were G7spent on one more beautiful_ At Cseventeen I learned the truth
And Ebthose of us with ravaged faces, Dmlacking in the G7social graces
Cm7Desp'ratly reFm7mained at home Cm7inventing lovers Fm7on the phone
Who Abcalled and say "come G7dance with me" and Cm7murmured vague obFm7scenities
Dm7It isn't all it seems at G7seventeen
A Cbrown eyed girl in hand-me-downs, whose Dmname I never could pronounce said
"G7Pity, please, the ones who serve, they Conly get what they deserve.
The Crich relationed home-town queen Dmmarries into what she needs
A G7guarantee of company and Chaven for the elderly"
ReEbmember those who win the game, Dm7lose the love they G7sought to gain
In Cm7debentures of Fm7quality and Cm7dubious inFm7tegrity_
Their Absmall town eyes will G7gape at you in Cm7dull surprise when F7payment due
Dm7exceeds accounts received at G7seventeen
To Cthose of us who know the pain of Dmvalentines that never came,
and G7those whose name were never called when Cchoosing side at basketball
It Cwas long ago and far away_ The Dmworld was younger than today
and G7dreams were all they gave for free to Cugly duckling girls like me
We all Ebplay the game and when we dare to Dm7cheat ourselves at G7solitaire
InCm7venting lovers Fm7on the phone, reCm7penting other Fm7lives unknown
that Abcall and say "Come G7dance with me", and Cm7murmur vague obFm7scenities
Dm7at ugly girls like me, at G7seventeenC Cmaj7
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