JAmolene, JoClene, JoGlene, JoAmlene
I`m bGegging of you please dont`t take my Amman
JoAmlene, JoClene, JoGlene, JAmolene
PleGase don`t take him jEmust because you cAman
Your beAmauty is beCyond compare
With flGaming locks of auAmburn hair
With ivGory skin and eEmyes of emerald gAmreen
Your smAmile is like a bCreath of spring
Your voGice is soft like suAmmmer rain
And I cGannot compEmete with you, JAmolene
He tAmalks about you Cin his sleep
ThereG`s nothing I can Amdo to keep
From Gcrying when he cEmalls your name, JAmolene
And Ami can easily uCnderstand
How Gyou could easily tAmake my man
But Gyou don`t know wEmhat he means to me, JAmolene
JoAmlene, JoClene, JoGlene, JoAmlene
I`m beGgging of you please don`t take myAm man
JoAmlene, JoClene, JoGlene, JoAmlene
PlGease don`t take him jEmust because youAm can
youAm could have yourC choice of men
But GI could never lAmove again
He`sG the only onEme for me, JoAmlene
I hAmad to have this tCalk with you
My Ghappines depeAmnds on you
WhaGtever you decEmide to do, JoAmlene
Jolene, Jolene ,Jolene, Jolene
I`m begging of you please don`t take my man
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don`t take him even though you can