Tom Paxton - The Marvelous Toy Tom Paxton - The Marvelous Toy | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
When DI was just a A7wee little lad, Dfull of health and A7joy,
My Gfather homeward Dcame one night and Egave to me a A7toy.
A Dwonder to beA7hold it was, with Dmany colors Gbright,
And the moment I lay Deyes on it, it beEcame my A7heart's delight.
It went Dzip when it moved and A7pop when it stopped,
And Dwhirrrrrr when it stood Gstill.
I never knew just Dwhat it was and I A7guess I never Dwill.
The Dfirst time that I A7picked it up, I Dhad a big A7surprise,
'Cause Gright on the bottom were Dtwo big buttons that Elooked like big green A7eyes.
I Dfirst pushed one and A7then the other, Dthen I twisted its Glid,
And when I set it Ddown again, Ehere is what it A7did.
It Dfirst marched left and A7then marched straight, Dthen marched under a A7chair,
And Gwhen I looked where Dit had gone it Ewasn't even A7there.
I Dstarted to cry but my A7daddy laughted 'cause he Dknew that I would Gfind,
When I turned around my Dmarvelous toy would be Echugging on beA7hind.
The Dyears have gone by too A7quickly it seems, now DI have my own little A7boy,
And Gyesterday I Dgave to him my Emarvelous little A7toy.
His Deyes nearly popped right A7out of his head and he Dgave a squeal of Gglee,
Neither one of us knows just Dwhat it is but he Eloves it just like A7me.
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