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Pink: Janko Kuric z Vidieku pokrstí druhé CD kapely Ukupunktúra - Posledná novembrová sobota (30.11.) bude v podpalubí lode Pink Whale patriť krstu dru... - |
Bažant Pohoda: Katarzia, Vladimir 518, Nina Kohout, Dukla, Ventolin či The Wilderness. Pozrite si fotoreport z Koncertu pre všímavých - Organizátori festivalu Pohoda a bratislavský klub Pink Whale sa spojili, aby spoločne ... - |
Katarzia: Umelecká oslava Nežnej revolúcie: Na Koncerte pre všímavých vystúpia Vladimir 518, Katarzia, Ventolin aj Nina Kohout - Už v nedeľu 17. novembra sa uskutoční Koncert pre všímavých ako hudobná oslava 35... - |
Pink: Karol MikloÅ¡ na Å¡peciálnom koncerte s hosÅ¥ami v Pink Whale pokrstà nový album NoÄné vlaky - V sobotu 14. septembra sa bude v priestoroch bratislavského klubu Pink Whale kon... - |
Manon Meurt: Shoegaze, post-rock aj krautrock v podpalubí Pink Whale - Rád chodím na koncerty, kde okrem dobrej hudby stretnem aj dobrých priateľov. Presne ... - |
Karol Mikloš: Karol Mikloš na špeciálnom koncerte s hosťami v Pink Whale pokrstí nový album Nočné vlaky - V sobotu 14. septembra sa bude v priestoroch bratislavského klubu Pink Whale konať v... - |
Dark: VIDEO: David Gilmour zachycuje v klipu k singlu Dark and Velvet Nights prchavé okamžiky tvorby - Téměř dekádu dlouhé čekání na nové studiové album Davida Gilmoura se chýlí ke... - |
Pink: Výnimočný večer v Pink Whale: Hardcore z Kalifornie, post-hardcore z New Yorku aj najhlučnejšia kapela na svete! - V utorok 6. augusta sa bratislavskému klubu na lodi Pink Whale podarilo zorganizovať sk... - |
Pink: A Place to Bury Strangers prichádzajú do Bratislavy, ale toto je rozhovor s predkapelou - Kariérny highlight slovenskej noise-punkovej kapely Wine Fault vypukne už 6. augusta na... - |
Bažant Pohoda: Aby bola Pohoda v pohode: Kultúrna obec sa spojila a organizuje benefičné Koncerty pre Pohodu - V sobotu a sa na lodi Pink Whale uskutočnil prvý z Koncertov pre Pohodu. V stredu 17. j... - |
Pink - Just Like A Pill Pink - Just Like A Pill |
| Intro:
I'm lying here on the floor, where you left me
I think I took too much
I'm crying here, what have you done?
I thought it would be fun
I can't stay on your life support
There's a shortage in the switch
I can't stay on your morphine
'Cause it's making me itch
I said I tried to call the nurse again
But she's being a little bitch
I'll think I'll get out of here
Where I can run
just as fast as I can
To the middle of nowhere
To the middle of my frustrated tears
And I swear you're just like a pill
Instead of making me better
You keep making me ill
You keep making me ill
I haven't moved from the spot where you left me
It must be a bad trip
All of the other pills were different
Maybe I should get some help
I can't stay on your life support
There's a shortage in the switch
I can't stay on your morphine
'Cause it's making me itch
I said I tried to call the nurse again
But she's being a little bitch
I'll think I'll get out of here
Where I can run
just as fast as I can
To the middle of nowhere
To the middle of my frustrated tears
And I swear you're just like a pill
Instead of making me better
You keep making me ill
You keep making me ill
just as fast as I can
To the middle of nowhere
To the middle of my frustrated tears
And I swear you're just like a pill
Instead of making me better
You keep making me ill
You keep making me ill
I can't stay on your life support
There's a shortage in the switch
I can't stay on your morphine
'Cause it's making me itch
I said I tried to call the nurse again
But she's being a little bitch
I'll think I'll get out of here
Where I can run
just as fast as I can
To the middle of nowhere
To the middle of my frustrated tears
And I swear you're just like a pill
Instead of making me better
You keep making me ill
You keep making me
just as fast as I can
To the middle of nowhere
To the middle of my frustrated tears
And I swear you're just like a pill
Instead of making me better
You keep making me ill
You keep making me
just as fast as I can
To the middle of nowhere
To the middle of my frustrated tears
| |