CMotherC/B of diAMsaster andF sisterG of our Cfate
do Cyou recall the tFragedy we Gsee
CFather C/Bof conAMfusion and Fbrother Gof dAMebate
do Fyou recall the Gsister of RoseCmary
The Fdoodlebugs were fGlying
the Cblitz wasC/B at its AMhigh
FRosemary lay sleCeping with her AMsister inly Gfive
and nCo one C/Bheard the AMOne that hit
the oFne that bGlew the AMlid
RFosemary came out cryCing and her sFister nGever dCid
And you fCly hAMigh and your dGreams are all in vCain
one mAMoment you are sCinging and the Fnext you cry in Gpain
And Chigh aboC/Bve the hAMeavens
on a Fhost of aGngels AMwings
CRosemary`s Fsister will be dGancinCg
Her Cmother cC/Bried aAMll that year as Fmany oGthers dCid
she puClled thru for a Fmoment now and tGhen
and the pCeople doC/Bwn in BAMethnal Street in the Frubble of Gthe stAMorm
When tFyranny is bGiting you dCo your bC/Best to tAMry
to sFtifle all the Cheart ache till it`s AMsafe again to Gcry
and wChen at C/Blast the AMdarkness clears and the Fsun comes sGhining AMthru
we'll Fdust it off and Gstart in on a' Cnew
And you fCly hAMigh and your dGreams are all in vCain
one mAMoment you are sCinging and the Fnext you cry in Gpain
And Chigh aboC/Bve the hAMeavens
on a Fhost of aGngels AMwings
CRosemary`s Fsister will be dGancinCg
Theres a teCacher iC/Bn the clAMassroom
theres mFothers iGn the hCall
Cchildren sit and Fwait for the bell for hGome
CRosemaC/Bry is wAMaiting she's a Fchild now Gof her AMown
she's wFaiting to colGlect and take her hCome
But soFmetimes in the sGilence in the fCirelight wC/Bhere she sAMits
her mFind goes back to BCethnal Street to the daAMrkenss and the bGlitz
and she knCows if thC/Beres another AMone
then the end will be complete
I wFonder what they`d sGay in Bethnal SCtreet
And you fCly hAMigh and your dGreams are all in vCain
one mAMoment you are sCinging and the Fnext you cry in Gpain
And Chigh aboC/Bve the hAMeavens
on a Fhost of aGngels AMwings
CRosemary`s Fsister will be dGancinCg