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Weekend: Years & Years jsou minulostí. Olly Alexander už bude vystupovat jen pod svým jménem - V rámci víkendového festivalu Radio 1 Big Weekend v Lutonu Olly Alexander potvrdil nov... - musicserver.cz | 

Pet Shop Boys: Jak propadnout popu s vášní? Years & Years se vracejí do Prahy - Poslední rok v popu patřil Ollymu Alexanderovi a jeho Years & Years. Nejprve předvedl ... - musicserver.cz | 

Years & Years: RECENZE: 'Night Call' je pro Years & Years příběhem s nepohádkovým koncem - Years & Years jsou nyní sólo projekt Ollyho Alexandera, vydání třetí řadovky "Nigh... - musicserver.cz | 

Years & Years: Nová řadovka od Years & Years 'Night Call' se blíží - Už od loňského jara víme, že po dvou vydaných deskách je z tria Years & Years už ... - musicserver.cz | 

Band Of Horses: Nová alba: Aurora, Band of Horses, Billy Talent a Years & Years - V posledních dnech vyšla alba interpretů, kteří se nepohybují v mainstreamovém p... - novinky.cz | 

Kylie Minogue: VIDEO: 'Kiss of Life' je MasterChef naruby s Kylie a Jessie - Jak jsme již informovali, brzy nás čeká rozšířená edice loňské řadovky Kylie M... - musicserver.cz | 

Kylie Minogue: Kylie Minogue je viac sexi, ako kedykoľvek predtým! Pozri si jej tanečnú novinku s Years & Years - Povedal by si, že je medzi nimi 22-ročný vekový rozdiel? Sleduj! :)... - expres.sk | 

Years & Years: VIDEO: Klip 'Crave' od Years & Years si pohrává s fantasy motivy - Jak jsme již informovali, z Years & Years se stal sólový projekt zpěváka Ollyho Alex... - musicserver.cz | 

Starstruck: Novinka Evropa 2 Music Chart: YEARS & YEARS – Starstruck - Představujeme novinku č. 3 v naší hitparádě!
The post Novinka Evropa 2 Music Chart... - evropa2.cz | 

Years & Years: VIDEO: 'Starstruck' je nablýskaným představením nových Years & Years - Jak jsme již informovali, z původního tria Years & Years se před časem stal sólový... - musicserver.cz | 

Years & Years - If You're Over Me Years & Years - If You're Over Me | | It's like thunder and lightning
You hurt me without trying
A tempest, you was rising
And no I don't like to be this way
And you're Jekyll and Hyde-ing
Are you real or are you lying?
So stop with your crying
I can't handle it now
You tell everyone our love went cold
Going round, spreading the word, it's over
If that's how you feel then you should go
Don't come around saying: "I still want you"
One minute you say we're a team
Then you're telling me you can't breathe
Well you should set me free
Baby, if you're over me
Yesterday you said I'm the one
But now you say you're done
Stop telling me what I need
Baby, if you're over me
There you go, there, I said it
Don't look at me all offended
You played games and it ended
I've got to look out for me
I won't say that it's easy
Oh, I know I hate leaving
But you can't keep deceiving
Does it make you feel good?
You tell everyone our love went cold
Going round, spreading the word, it's over
If that's how you feel then you should go
Don't come around saying: "I still want you"
One minute you say we're a team
Then you're telling me you can't breathe
Well you should set me free
Baby, if you're over me
Yesterday you said I'm the one
But now you say you're done
Stop telling me what I need
Baby, if you're over me
If you're over me
If you're over me
Stop telling me what I need
Baby, if you're over me
How long can a love remain?
Time never could heal this pain
I thought I believed in fate
Oh, it's so cruel
No, nothing for us would change
Same story, the same mistake
This heart just wants to break
One minute you say we're a team
Then you're telling me you can't breathe
Well you should set me free
Baby, if you're over me
Yesterday you said I'm the one
But now you say you're done
Stop telling me what I need
Baby, if you're over me
Just go if it's over
Just go if it's over
Just go if it's over
Baby, if you're over me
Just go if it's over
Just go if it's over
Just go if it's over
Baby, if you're over me |
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