Evanescence - Call Me When Youre Sober Evanescence - Call Me When Youre Sober | |
Neplac predomnou Don't cry to me
Ak si ma miloval If you loved me,
tak by si tu stal pri mne. you would be here with me.
Tuzis po mne, You want me,
najdi si ma. come find me.
Musis sa rozhodnut. Make up your mind.
Musel by si padnut, stratit vsetko co mas. Should have let you fall, lose it all.
Tak mozno nestratis sam seba. So maybe you can remember yourself.
Nenechat si vieru, Can't keep believing,
ze iba my sami sa klamame, we are only deceiving ourselves,
a vadi mi tato loz (klamstvo). and I'm sick of the lie.
A ty si to stale neuvedomujes. And you're too late.
Neplac pre mna Don't cry to me
Ak si ma miloval If you loved me,
tak by si tu stal pri mne. you would be here with me.
Tuzis po mne, You want me,
najdi si ma. come find me.
Musis sa rozhodnut. Make up your mind.
Ty sa neobvinuj. Couldn't take the blame.
Nebud zahambeny. Sick with shame.
Musi to byt vycerpavajuce prehrat svoju vlastnu hru. Must be exhausting to lose your own game.
Sam sebou nenavideny, Selfishly hated,
nic prekvapive si prepracovany. no wonder you're jaded.
Tento krat uz nemozes hrat obet. You can't play the victim this time.
Uz je na to neskoro. And you're too late.
Neplac pre mna Don't cry to me
Ak si ma miloval If you loved me,
tak by si tu stal pri mne. you would be here with me.
Tuzis po mne, You want me,
najdi si ma. come find me.
Musis sa rozhodnut. Make up your mind.
Nikdy mi nevolas, ked si triezvy. You never call me when you're sober.
Chces to len preto, ze uz je koniec, You only want it, cause it's over,
a uz je koniec. It's over.
Ako som mohla znicit raj? How could I have burned paradise.
Ako, ked si nikdy nebol moj? How could I, you were never mine.
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