Country Pesničky - Sixteen Tons Country Pesničky - Sixteen Tons | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
AmSome people Amsay a man is Fmade out of Emud,
well a Ampoor man's Ammade out of Fmuscle and Eblood.
AmMuscle and Amblood Dmskin and Dmbone,
a Ammind that's Amweak and a (Eback that's Amstrong.
AmYou load Amsixteen Amtons, and Fwhat do you Eget?
AAmnother day Amolder and Fdeeper in Edebt.
St.AmPeter don't you Amcall me, cause DmI can't Dmgo,
I Amowe my Amsoul to the Ecompany Amstore.
I was Amborn one Ammorning when the Fsun didn't Eshine,
I Ampicked up my Amshovel and I Fwalked to the E mine,
I loaded Amsixteen Amtons of Dmnumber-nine Dmcoal,
and the Amstraw boss Amsaid: "Well, a-Ebless my Amsoul!"
I was Amborn one Ammorning, it was Fdrizzlin' Erain
AmFightin' and Amtrouble are Fmy middle Ename,
I was Amraised in the Amcane-brake by an Dmold mama Dmhound,
Ain`t Amno a high-toned Amwoman gonna Epush me Am`round.
If you Amsee me Amcomin' better Fstep a-Eside,
a Amlot of men Amdidn't and a Flot of men Edied.
AmOne fist of Amiron, the Dmother of Dmsteel,
if the Amright one don't Amget you then the Eleft one Amwill
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