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Blondie: U2 vzdávajú singlom Atomic City poctu post punku 70. rokov a Blondie - Írska štvorica prichádza s novou piesňou. Atomic City zložená špeciálne na podpor... - zoznam.sk | 

Blondie: Debbie Harry (77) na koncertě šokovala hladkou tvářičkou: Dobré geny, nebo dobrý doktor?! - Bývalá frontmanka kapely Blondie Debbie Harry vystoupila ve svých téměř 78... - blesk.cz | 

Blondie: Blondie nachystali boxset plný dosud nevydaných klenotů - Blondie nás brzy vezmou na projížďku svou legendární kariérou. Na 26. srpna připr... - musicserver.cz | 

Blondie: RECENZE: Zpěvačka Debbie Harry je ve svých pamětech vypravěčka k neutahání - Chcete-li si připomenout atmosféru newyorské punkové a postpunkové scény, sdružen... - idnes.cz | 

Blondie: Autobiografie Debbie Harry 'Tváří v tvář' vychází i česky - "Tváří v tvář" je fascinující autobiografie Debbie Harry, zpěvačky světoznámé... - musicserver.cz | 

Bee Gees: RECENZE: Jedna rocková hvězda vedle druhé, to je našlapaný soundtrack k dramatu 'Sno Babies' - Allen Kovac, manažer takových ikon jako Bee Gees, Meat Loaf, Blondie či Mötley Crüe ... - musicserver.cz | 

Blondie: USA: Hudobníci chcú, aby ich skladby zneli vo volebnej kampani len s ich súhlasom - Niekoľko svetoznámych hudobníkov, vrátane Micka Jaggera, Sheryl Crow, Lionela Ritchie... - zoznam.sk | 

1981: 12 celebrít, o ktorých ste nevedeli, že sú punkáči - 12 celebrít, o ktorých ste nevedeli, že sú punkáči
Keď britský premiér Boris Jo... - rocker.sk | 

Blondie: Znásilnění a útěk sériovému vrahovi: Zpěvačka (74) legendární skupiny Blondie sepsala paměti - super.cz | 

Blondie: OBRAZEM: Sexy Arianu, Gwen i Blondie porazila Montserrat Caballé - idnes.cz | 

Blondie - Backfired Blondie - Backfired | | Backfired
Your plan, your plan backfired
My man, your plan backfired in your face
You came into my life to test me
Your diplomatic drag depressed me
The glitter in your eyes undressed me
You were polished slick
Really thick
Wasting time dropping lines like
"I could get you into movies"
But we wound up at Hot Jo's for hamburgers to go
Your plan backfired
My man, your plan backfired in your face
To steal my mind was your objective
The way you spoke was too aggressive
The silly jokes were not impressive
Like "A travelling salesman met a farmer with three daughters", yet
All the quips were so suggestive
Then we ran down to Hot Jo's for hamburgers to go
Your plan backfired
My man, your plan backfired in your face
Well, come here my little dear, I've got what it takes
Give me just what I want and I'll give you a break
Well, don't slip on your lips cause you're talking so fast
Buying for first, crying for last
Well come on my little lady, don't shoot me down
I've got strong connections all over town
Just drop to a dead stop (what?)
Your plan backfired
My man, your plan backfired in your face
You were polished slick. Really thick
Wasting time dropping lines
"A travelling salesman met a farmer with three daughters", yet
Your plan backfired
Couldn't work out no
My man, your plan
Backfired in your face
It backfired
Your plan just backfired
Oh no, it couldn't work out, backfired
Better get a new line and try it again
Slick performance on demand
You better back up fast and head out west
You may still collect
It backfired
Your plan backfired
Too bad
My man, your plan backfired
Well, come here my little dear, I've got what it takes
Give me just what I want and I'll give you a break
Well, don't slip on your lips cause you're talking so fast
Buying for first, crying for last
Well come on my little lady, don't shoot me down
I've got strong connections all over town
Just drop to a dead stop |
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