Phil Collins - You´ll Be In My Heart Phil Collins - You´ll Be In My Heart | | You´ll be in my heart
Phil Collins
Come stop your crying = Prestane tvoj plač
It will be all right = Bude to v poriadku
Just take my hand = Len zober moju ruku
Hold it tight = Drž ju pevne
I will protect you = Budem ťa chrániť
from all around you = od všetkých
I will be here = Budem tu
Don't you cry = Neplač
For one so small, = Pre jedného tak malého
you seem so strong = vyzeráš tak silná
My arms will hold you, = Moje náručie ťa bude držať,
keep you safe and warm = udržiavať ťa v bezpečí a teple
This bond between us = Toto puto medzi nami
Can't be broken =Nemôže byť zlomené
I will be here = Budem tu
Don't you cry = Neplač
'Cause you'll be in my heart = Pretože ty budeš v mojom srdci
Yes, you'll be in my heart = Áno, budeš v mojom srdci
From this day on = Od tohto dňa
Now and forever more = Teraz a navždy viac
You'll be in my heart = Budeš v mojom srdci
No matter what they say = Nezáleží, čo povedia
You'll be here in my heart, always =Budeš v mojom srdci, vždy
Why can't they understand = Prečo nemôžu pochopiť
the way we feel = názor, ktorý cítime
They just don't trust = Oni len neveria cítime
what they can't explain = v čo nemôžu vysvetliť
I know we're different but, = Viem, sme iní ale,
deep inside us = hlboko vo vnútri nás
We're not that different at all = Nie sme tí, ktorí sú odlišní vo všetkom
And you'll be in my heart = A ty budeš v mojom srdci
Yes, you'll be in my heart = Áno, budeš v mojom srdci
From this day on = Od tohto dňa
Now and forever more = Teraz a navždy viac
Don't listen to them = Nepočúvaj ich
'Cause what do they know = Pretože čo vedia
We need each other, = My sa potrebujeme navzájom
to have, to hold = mať, držať
They'll see in time = Časom uvidia
I know = Viem
When destiny calls you = Keď ťa osud volá
You must be strong = Musíš byť silná
I may not be with you = Možno nebudem s tebou
But you've got to hold on = Ale musíš vytrvať
They'll see in time = Časom uvidia
I know = Viem
We'll show them together = Ukážeme im spolu
'Cause you'll be in my heart = Pretože budeš v mojom srdci
Yes, you'll be in my heart = Áno, budeš v mojom srdci
From this day on, = Od tohto dňa
Now and forever more = Teraz a navždy viac
Oh, you'll be in my heart = Oh, budeš v mojom srdci
No matter what they say = Nezáleží, čo povedia
You'll be in my heart, always = Budeš v mojom srdci , vždy
Always = Vždy
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