Maria Mena - Just A Little Bit Maria Mena - Just A Little Bit | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
JuFst a little bit stronger
Just a little bit wisBber
Just a little less neeDmdy
And maybe I'd get theCre.
Just a little bit pretFty
Just a little more awaBbre
Just a little bit thinDmner
And maybe I'd get theCre...
DmClearly, clearly I remembF/Aer
BbHiking up my skirt
Asking for your Ctime
DmClearly, clearly I rememF/Aber
Nervous if ever Bbconfronted
And questioning myseClf
BbPerhaps, perhaps if I got bettCer
Perhaps if I Bbchallenged myself
Perhaps if I waCs
Just a little bit Fstronger
Just a little bit Bbwiser
Just a little lesDms needy
Maybe I'd get theCre...
DmClearly, clearly I rememF/Aber
Pulling up my Bbskirt
Staring blank aheaCd
DmClearly, clearly I remeF/Amber
Days of useless Bbcrying
Almost feeling deaCd
BbPerhaps, perhaps if I was Csmaller
Perhaps, I could controBbl myself
Perhaps if I waCs
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