if i had to lose a mile = ak by som mal prejsť míľu
if i had to touch feelings = ak by som sa mal dotknúť citov
i would lose my soul = stratil by som dušu
the way i do = tak ako to robím
i don't have to think = nemusím myslieť
i only have to do it = len to musím urobiť
the results are always perfect = výsledky sú vždy perfektné
and that's old news = a to je stará novinka
would you like to hear my voice = praješ si počuť môj hlas
sweetened with emotion = osladený citmi
invented at your birth? = vynájdený na tvoje narodenie?
i can't see the end of me = nemôžem vidieť môj koniec
my whole expanse i cannot see = nemôžem videť celú moju rozlohu
i formulate infinity = zformulujem nekonečno
/and/ store it deep inside of me = a uložím ho hlboko do mňa