Dierks Bentley - Train Travelin` Dierks Bentley - Train Travelin` | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
EveryEmtime I hear the whistle whine
From a lonesome locomotive, comin down the Dline
It Ccarries me mind away to another place in Em time
When Amtrain travelin across the land was the only way to EmflyD
Am I a Emfool to think it glamorous
Box-Carring like a hobo, it must have been Drough
But a Csimpler way of life is what it really means to Em me
When Amwe weren't so dependent on money to be Dfree
I hear you Ctrain, are you Dtravelin my Emway
Won't you Clet me ride your rails right back to yesterDday
Who Cknows what I could Dsee from Emthat ole Dtime machCine
But Emthere you go agDain train Emtravelin',
CThere you go agDain train Em travelin'.
I'm Em lying on a rotten wooden floor
Smell yesterday's whiskey here rattlin' at the Ddoor
A Crailroad man lookin' for me, I'm scared as I can Embe
I Amopen my eyes and realize it's just another Ddream
CThere you go agDain train Emtravelin'.
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