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Transpozícia: [+1+2-1-2] *** Autor textu: Noel Gallagher *** Autor hudby: Noel Gallagher
Words & Music by
Noel Gallagher
Verse 1
I spent my time sitting on a fence with a mate of mine
Trying to write the line of a story
We believe that everything said is a waste of time
‘Cos life is well tried and it bores me
Yeah yeah yeah
Bridge 1
In my well-paid opinion
These things they really don’t matter
But from my crystal gazing eye
There shines a light
Like dynamite
Chorus 1
Sitting on a throne will give a bad back to ya
Living on my own was like a flashback
To the days when I was lost and lonely
Saying what I said was just a different story
All your lies, they were boring
There’s nothing wrong with my world
These things they really don’t matter now
Verse 2 As Verse 1
Bridge 2 As Bridge 1
Chorus 2 As Chorus 1
‘Whistle’ solo
||Bm F# |G A |Bm F# |G A ||
||Bm F# |G A |G |A |E |E ||
Chorus 3 As Chorus 1