Rise And Fall = Úspech a pád
(feat. Sting)
Sometimes in life you = Niekedy v živote
feel the fight is over, = cítiš, že boj je skončený
And it seems as though = A vyzerá to ako
the writings on the wall, = písma na stene
Superstar you finally made it, = Superstar konečne si to
= urobil,
But once your picture = Ale raz sa tvoj obraz
becomes tainted, = zašpiní
It's what they call, = Je to to čo volajú
The rise and fall [x2] = úspech a pád [2x]
I always said that = Vždy som hovoril že
I was gonna make it, = to urobím,
Now it's plain for = Teraz je to plán pre
everyone to see, = každého na videnie,
But this game I'm in = Ale táto hra v ktorej som
don't take no prisoners, = nerobí žiadnych zajatcov,
Just casualties, = Len obete,
I know that everything = Viem, že sa všetko
is gonna change, = mení,
Even the friends I knew = Aj priatelia ktorých som
before me go, = predtým ako som prišiel
But this dream is the life = Ale tento sen je život
I've been searching for, = Ktorý som hľadal,
Started believing that = Začínal som veriť že
I was the greatest, = som najlepší,
My life was never = Môj život už nikdy
gonna be the same, = nebude rovnaký
Cause with the money = Lebo s peniazmi
came a different status, = prichádzajú nové dôležitosti,
That's when things change, = To je keď sa veci menia,
Now I'm too concerned with = Teraz sa príliš zaoberám
all the things I own, = všetkými vecami ktoré
Blinded by all = Oslepený všetkými
the pretty girls I see, = peknými dievčatami ktoré
I'm beginning to lose = Strácam
my integrity = moju čestnosť
Sometimes in life you = Niekedy v živote
feel the fight is over, = cítiš, že boj je skončený
And it seems as though = A vyzerá to ako
the writings on the wall, = písma na stene
Superstar you finally made it, = Superstar konečne si to
But once your picture = Ale raz sa tvoj obraz
becomes tainted, = zašpiní
It's what they call, = Je to to čo volajú
The rise and fall = úspech a pád
I never used to = Nikdy som
be a troublemaker, = nebol rebelant
Now I don't even = Teraz ani
wanna please the fans, = nechcem prosiť fanúšikov
No autographs, = Žiadne autobiografie,
No interviews, = Žiadne rozhovory,
No pictures, = Žiadne obrázky,
And less demands, = A menej žiadostí,
Given advice that was = Dať radu ktorá bola
clearly wrong, = úplne zlá,
The type that seems to = Typ ktorý vyzerá
make me feel so right, = že ma donúti cítiť správne,
But some things you may = Ale niektoré veci možno
find can take over your life, = nájsť v tvojom živote,
Burnt all my bridges now = Teraz spáliť všetky moje mosty
I've run out of places, = Utekal si preč z miest,
And there's nowhere = A tu je nikde
left for me to turn, = naľavo odo mňa zabočiť
Been caught in = Byť chytený v
comprimising situations, = kompromitujúcich situáciách
I should have learnt, = Poučil som sa,
From all those times = Zo všetkých tým časov
I didn't walk away, = Nekráčal som preč,
When I knew that it = Keď som vedel že je
was best to go, = najlepšie odísť,
Is it too late to show you = Je príliš neskoro ukázať ti
the shape of my heart, = podobu môjho srdca,
Sometimes in life you = Niekedy v živote
feel the fight is over, = cítiš, že boj je skončený
And it seems as though = A vyzerá to ako
the writings on the wall, = písma na stene
Superstar you finally made it, = Superstar konečne si to
But once your picture = Ale raz sa tvoj obraz
becomes tainted, = zašpiní
It's what they call, = Je to to čo volajú
The rise and fall = úspech a pád
Now I know, = Teraz viem,
I made mistakes, = urobil som chyby,
Think I don't care, = Myslíš že mi je jedno,
But you don't realise = Ale pochop
what this means to me, = čo to pre mňa znamená,
So let me have, = Tak mi daj,
Just one more chance, = ešte jednu šancu,
I'm not the man I used to be, = Nie som človek ktorým som
Used to beeeeeeeeeee = Ktorým som býval
Sometimes in life you = Niekedy v živote
feel the fight is over, = cítiš, že boj je skončený
And it seems as though = A vyzerá to ako
the writings on the wall, = písma na stene
Superstar you finally made it, = Superstar konečne si to
But once your picture = Ale raz sa tvoj obraz
becomes tainted, = zašpiní
It's what they call, = Je to to čo volajú
The rise and fall [4x] = úspech a pád [4x]