3 Doors Down - Away From The Sun !!! 3 Doors Down - Away From The Sun !!! | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
FIt's down tCo this
AmiI've got to mGake this life make sFense
Can anyCone tell what IG've done
FI miss the lCife
AmiI miss the cGolors of the Fworld
Can aCnyone tell where GI am
CauFse now again I'veC found myself Amiso far down
AGway from the sun thatF shines into the dCarkest place
I'm Amiso far down Gaway from the sun aFgaCinAmi
GAway from the sun aFgaCinG
FI'm over tChis
AmiI'm tired of Glivin' in the Fdark
Can anCyone see me down hGere
FThe feeling's Cgone
AmiThere's nothing lGeft to lift me up
FBack inCto the world GI know
FAnd now again I'veC found myself Amiso far down
AGway from the sun thatF shines into theC darkest place
I'm Amiso far down Gaway from the sun
FThat shines to light the Cway for me to Amifind my way back Ginto the arms
That Fcare about theC ones like me
I'm Amiso far down Gaway from the sun aFgaiC, Ami, Gn
FIt's down to Cthis
I'Amive got to Gmake this life make Fsense
And now IC can't tell what IG've done
FAnd now again I've Cfound myself Amiso far down
GAway from the sun thatF shines to light theC way for Gme
FAnd now again I've Cfound myself Amiso far down
GAway from the sun thatF shines into the dCarkest place
AmiI'm so far down aGway from the sun
FThat shines to light the Cway for me to Amifind my way back Ginto the arms
That Fcare about the Cones like me
I'm Amiso far down Gaway from the sun aFgainC, Ami, G
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